All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.19.4 (2023-01-17)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: fix revoke consent issue (bc44f0c)
0.19.3 (2023-01-06)
- @demos: develop urls (56792f5)
0.19.2 (2023-01-06)
- @demos: auth0 audience (1ebaa7a)
0.19.1 (2023-01-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @blindnet/pc4w-root
0.19.0 (2022-12-13)
- @blindnet-demos/dpo: fix back button for dpo demo (9ef093b)
- @blindnet-demos/dpo: fix bridge login and redirect path (765fdfd)
- @blindnet-demos/dpo: fix dpo demo addon (801bafa)
- @blindnet-demos/modules: #283 participation recorded message (353d390)
- @blindnet/core: other demand label (98e35a5)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: #268 msg when no data link is returned (b9b4aaa)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: update action name and remove all target (f8e57ec)
0.18.0 (2022-12-08)
0.17.0 (2022-12-07)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: fix logo path (af64441)
- @blindnet-demos/modules: fix bug with translations copy to build folder for gh pages demo (4e680c0)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: fix prettier + translations bug (28e18a9)
- @blindnet/core: update PCE bridge route (6cac7be)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: privacy request addons (b721e38)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: updated translations (2e2b843)
0.16.3 (2022-12-07)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: fix lit-localize + prettier issue (d216b01)
0.16.2 (2022-12-05)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: fix issue with prettier formating + lit-localize (5ecc9af)
0.16.1 (2022-12-05)
- @blindnet-demos/modules: fix auto click in demo (d00a277)
0.16.0 (2022-12-05)
- @blindnet/privacy-portal: privacy request addons (f69ac4c)
0.15.0 (2022-11-24)
- @blindnet/prci: incorrect translations (31273fd)
- @blindnet/prci: properly show default data categories (ed12498)
- @blindnet/prci: improved response strings for transparency demands (fb6706f)
- @blindnet/prci: sent modify and portability demands with the 'other' form (8d1fa9c)
- @blindnet/prci: use PRCI without token (907225c)
0.14.1 (2022-11-18)
- @blindnet/core: demo localization (d9b4d0b)
0.14.0 (2022-11-18)
- @blindnet/dci: dci localization (87793a7)
0.13.0 (2022-11-17)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: use correct demo repository link (466d97b), closes #171
- @blindnet/prci: fix delete demand button (82e252c), closes #229
- @blindnet/prci: increase line height in privacy scope picker (3f49265), closes #211
- @blindnet/prci: reset demands on back click (d413b9d), closes #230
- @blindnet/prci: set api token via event (49ef4cf)
- @blindnet/prci: updated french translations (acbaa69)
0.12.3 (2022-11-14)
- @blindnet/prci: add localized headers (f686b1c)
- @blindnet/prci: fix local path and version (b1d66ff)
- @blindnet/prci: fix replace call (4ac4c23)
- @blindnet/prci: move localization back to util (e988922)
- @blindnet/prci: proper locale path (cf9f623)
- @blindnet/prci: use proper url for dynamic import (5db7ec7)
- remove localization file (9775b3e)
- fix(@blindnet/prci): proper locale path (521332f)
0.12.2 (2022-11-13)
0.12.1 (2022-11-10)
0.12.0 (2022-11-09)
- @blindnet/prci: include transparency actions (3c483c8)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: updated demo UI (39a2268)
- @blindnet/prci: added fr, fr-CA, fr-FR locales (e0a1e6c)
- @blindnet/prci: auto set locale on component load (48f682f)
- @blindnet/prci: emit event for sent requests (90028f0)
- @blindnet/prci: object form (452be74)
- @blindnet/prci: other demand form (f5cfeed)
- @blindnet/prci: privacy scope picker (919d622)
- @blindnet/prci: requests list and status page (2541a7a)
- @blindnet/prci: restrict form (aea1e96)
- @blindnet/prci: revoke consent form (7a603d1)
- @blindnet/prci: UI/UX update (0214544)
0.11.1 (2022-11-04)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: fix gh pages routing (eae5554)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: routing script in for demo (eeabce2)
- @blindnet-demos/blindnet-simple-tutorial: updated wordings (c52b945)
- fix(@blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial): fix gh pages routing (8307a2d)
0.11.0 (2022-11-04)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: fix gh pages routing (7b7d0bd)
- @blindnet-demos/blindnet-simple-tutorial: updated wordings (477bac6)
- fix(@blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial): fix gh pages routing (5f82bd7)
0.10.0 (2022-11-02)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: content width (a61a742)
- @blindnet/dci: make DCI requests always have a token (f6f0add)
- @blindnet/prci: enforce an auth header for all requests except transparency (16f1fc3)
- @blindnet/prci: remove strict content width (b545b62)
- @blindnet/prci: stop fetching request status when component closed (b1c3507)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: authentication in demo (0456da2)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: demo consent (#190) (40e4eec)
- @blindnet/core: global configuration (c4ae1dc)
- @blindnet/core: magic link authentication component (08433a6)
- @blindnet/dci: new DCI UI (#159) (c7b7c8e), closes #145
- @blindnet/devkit-simple-tutorial: demo authentication with auth0 (d61e175)
- @blindnet/prci: allow to set up computation API URL (8affb59)
- @blindnet/prci: cancel privacy requests (65439b3)
- @blindnet/prci: link to return to request status page (8dac59c)
- Revert "build: exclude demo dist folder from tsc" (46691d7)
0.9.0 (2022-09-29)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: content width (c5d5cba)
- @blindnet/prci: remove strict content width (c8c636e)
- @blindnet/core: global configuration (d69d853)
- @blindnet/dci: new DCI UI (#159) (bf57532), closes #145
- @blindnet/prci: allow to set up computation API URL (019d64d)
- @blindnet/prci: cancel privacy requests (b9e39df)
- @blindnet/prci: link to return to request status page (31b5582)
0.8.1 (2022-09-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @blindnet/pc4w-root
0.8.0 (2022-09-15)
- @blindnet/prci: add allowed data categories parameter (847d21c)
0.7.0 (2022-09-12)
- @blindnet-demos/static: wrong script URLs (185144c)
- @blindnet/prci: revoke requests (291d720)
0.6.1 (2022-09-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @blindnet/pc4w-root
0.6.0 (2022-09-06)
- @blindnet/dci: add message to response (64841dd)
- @blindnet/prci: deny a demand (a2c5836)
- @blindnet/prci: view message in response (d6bf32f)
0.5.1 (2022-09-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @blindnet/pc4w-root
0.5.0 (2022-09-02)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: base URL (ad9649a)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: data to demo connector (7391843)
- @blindnet-demos/devkit-simple-tutorial: save data (2f385db)
- @blindnet/dci: basic data consumer interface (#82) (09da283)
- @blindnet/prci: access and delete requests (#69) (5bd6ab2)
- @blindnet/prci: demand status view (#74) (e2baf85)
- @blindnet/prci: request status page (64ca70f)
- @blindnet/prci: submitted requests view (#72) (d1a2043)