The blockexplorer
package contains the BlockExplorer
class that reflects the functionality documented at It can be used to query the block chain, fetch block, transaction and address data, get unspent outputs for an address etc.
Example usage:
package test;
import info.blockchain.api.blockexplorer.*;
public class App
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// instantiate a block explorer
BlockExplorer blockExplorer = new BlockExplorer();
// get a transaction by hash and list the value of all its inputs
Transaction tx = blockExplorer.getTransaction("df67414652722d38b43dcbcac6927c97626a65bd4e76a2e2787e22948a7c5c47");
for (Input i : tx.getInputs())
// get a block by hash and read the number of transactions in the block
Block block = blockExplorer.getBlock("0000000000000000050fe18c9b961fc7c275f02630309226b15625276c714bf1");
int numberOfTxsInBlock = block.getTransactions().size();
// get an address and read its final balance
Address address = blockExplorer.getAddress("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw");
long finalBalance = address.getFinalBalance();
// get an address and read its final balance with filter, limit, and offset
Address address = client.getAddress("1jH7K4RJrQBXijtLj1JpzqPRhR7MdFtaW", FilterType.All, 10, 5);
long finalBalance = address.getFinalBalance();
// get a list of currently unconfirmed transactions and print the relay IP address for each
List<Transaction> unconfirmedTxs = blockExplorer.getUnconfirmedTransactions();
for (Transaction unconfTx : unconfirmedTxs)
// calculate the balanace of an address by fetching a list of all its unspent outputs
List<UnspentOutput> outs = blockExplorer.getUnspentOutputs("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw");
long totalUnspentValue = 0;
for (UnspentOutput out : outs)
totalUnspentValue += out.getValue();
// calculate the balanace of an address by fetching a list of all its unspent outputs with confirmations and limit
List<UnspentOutput> outs = blockExplorer.getUnspentOutputs(Arrays.asList("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw"), 5, 10);
long totalUnspentValue = 0;
for (UnspentOutput out : outs)
totalUnspentValue += out.getValue();
// returns the address balance summary for each address provided
Map<String, Balance> balances = blockExplorer.getBalance(Arrays.asList("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw"), FilterType.All);
// returns an aggregated summary on all addresses provided.
MultiAddress multiAddr = blockExplorer.getMultiAddress(Arrays.asList("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw"), FilterType.All, 10, 5);
// returns xpub summary on a xpub provided, with its overall balance and its transactions.
XpubFull xpub = blockExplorer.getXpub("xpub6CmZamQcHw2TPtbGmJNEvRgfhLwitarvzFn3fBYEEkFTqztus7W7CNbf48Kxuj1bRRBmZPzQocB6qar9ay6buVkQk73ftKE1z4tt9cPHWRn", FilterType.All, 10, 5);
// get the latest block on the main chain and read its height
LatestBlock latestBlock = blockExplorer.getLatestBlock();
long latestBlockHeight = latestBlock.getHeight();
// use the previous block height to get a list of blocks at that height
// and detect a potential chain fork
List<Block> blocksAtHeight = blockExplorer.getBlocksAtHeight(latestBlockHeight);
if (blocksAtHeight.size() > 1)
System.out.println("The chain has forked!");
System.out.println("The chain is still in one piece :)");
// get a list of all blocks that were mined today since 00:00 UTC
List<SimpleBlock> todaysBlocks = blockExplorer.getBlocks();