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The code found in this repository is unaudited and incomplete. Block Sentinel is not responsible for any losses incurred when using this code.



  • JSONRPC Client
  • NyzoString


The JSONRPC Client is a slim wrapper around a standard HttpClient that allows for easy communication with the Nyzo network. This package is meant to be used in conjunction with an Open Nyzo JSONRPC instance. More information regarding this can be found on the Open Nyzo GitHub.

Using the client

The NyzoJsonRpcClient is simple and unassuming. It can be used with, or without dependency injection. See below for a quick start for using the client.

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var transport = new JsonRpcTransport(httpClient);
var client = new NyzoJsonRpcClient(transport);

// Get health information from the JSONRPC node
var response = await client.InfoAsync();

// response.Id: A correlation ID for the request, an optional parameter that can be provided to all requests
// response.Result: A strongly-typed representation of the response from the JSONRPC request

Console.WriteLine($"Server nickname: {response.Result.Nickname}");
// Output:
// Server nickname: d32f...9e6e

The JsonRpcTransport class has an optional configuration builder that allows for:

  • Using a custom IIdGenerator for request correlation, the default implementation uses Guid
  • Overriding the JSONRPC endpoint, the default is


The NyzoString encoder, as part of the SDK's utility package, enables encoding and decoding of Nyzo-specific strings for use with reading/creating transations, public identifiers, private keys, etc. More information regarding this can be found in the Nyzo Documentation.

Using the encoder

The NyzoStringEncoder is simple and unassuming. It can be used with, or without dependency injection. See below for a quick start for using the encoder.

var encoder = new NyzoStringEncoder();

var nyzoString = NyzoStringPublicIdentifier.FromHex("848db2de31cbe4c4-28dbb9e6bdda3aba-98581356ab0e6e02-37b37fd370ac3c7b");
var encoded = encoder.Encode(nyzoString);

Console.WriteLine($"Encoded Public Identifier: {encoded}");
// Output:
// Encoded Public Identifier: id__88idJKWPQ~j4adLXXIVreIHpn1dnHNXL0AvRw.dNI3PZXtxdHx7u

See the NyzoSDK.Util.UnitTests project for more examples.


Contributing to this project

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.


This project is released under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information or see