Lightest Editior + do than notepad.
MoonEditior is Lightest Editior same notepad but doing than notepad.
- Open,Save File
- Resize Font Size in editior.
- Run Programming language in Editior (NodeJS, Python, Lua, Bat or cmd)
- use memory 5-10MB of ram
- Open-source C#
- 1 exe file run as editor
- This alpha version bugs is holy
- You can open file in same window just 8 file (1 file per 1 tab)
- No HELPER about code be like other ide.
- Terminal is limited ask for input (if script have ask for input that will show blank command prompt for input)
Maximize window is not support (Now Locked)Now Support in 1.1.0 alpha or newer. Thanks twistynado-official for tip- Terminal closed button is bugs you need to resize window to find and click it.
- Terminal is NOT Show error for python script.
- Click save and click cancel will make editior crash
(Fixed by show error without crash don't panic)Nevermind. - New line is bug on windows 7.
- have bugs? report in Github
If you think this project is helpful? try donate?
- TrueMoney Wallet (If you are thai people): 0912219534 Dont Call
- Bitcoin: 365378wmstFyu1B12qpn2RkG3UCgfPeRdG
- ETH: 0x7cc05259cd812b449815acf20d5f867213e1186c
- DOGE: DPz84CewN5aXfUctuK2kMNtE2Zd16CZRbW
- Paypal: Coming Soon check Paypal TH why yes paypal is closed create account in thailand :(