This is an example of how to interface BitScope ( Micro ( to matlab using python. It was developed as a minor project in an introductory MatLab course at Chalmers Technology University (
It uses a modfied version of machine_scope and utlities that Bruce Tulloch developed in the bitbucket PiLab Project ( Thanks to Bruce Tulloch for providing the PiLab. As no license could be found, more than it is open source this is also open source. I take NO RESPOSIBILITES using this code.
It has been tested on Linux Mint 18 and Macbook (OS X).
Dependencies: Python 2.7, pyserial, MATLAB (2016b).
The main.m matlab script provides means to start the wave generator in the bitscope and take 1024 samples and displaying the result in a gui window via channel A or B if connected to the wave generator output via probes. It has rudimentary functions such as save the samples to a file, to MatLabs workspace and make a few calclations on the sampled signals. It has limited functions regarding ranges, trigger, et.c..
main.m - Load the python library, test that bitscope is connected and the call the matlab gui scope. scope.m - The gui event functions. scope.fig - used by the gui. - wrapper to machine_scope import and machines and utlities. machines - The home of state machine that communicates with the BitScope Virtual Machine utlilties - The home of and support functions to
screenshot.jpg - A screenshot of the gui.
To execute: Connect channel probe A to the wave generator outputs or the BitScope micro. Start MatLab and change to the directory of the main.m and load it and execute it.