🚀 place to put your code in
This project is in a pre-alpha state. Until such point that crater is marked "stable" and/or "ready for production," nothing from this repository should be used in a production environment.
- Elixir (v1.6+)
- Node.js (v8.0+)
- Yarn - optional. you can use
if you want to, but it's for your own sanity.
# install dependencies
mix deps.get
# run the database migration
mix ecto.setup
# start the server
mix phx.server
your API server is now live at localhost:4000
the React frontend is stored in the priv/crater-web
directory, so cd
there first.
cd priv/crater-web
# install dependencies
yarn # or `npm install`
# start the development server
yarn start # or `npm start`
your frontend is now live at localhost:3000
. all API requests will be proxied to port 4000.