A very simple algorithm for culling vertices while minimally changing the shape of a polygon.
A simple algorithm that removes sub-linear vertices, to improve performance of spatial applications. Effective at preserving the shape of a polygon while substantially decreasing vertex count, particularly with regularly-shaped polygons (e.g buildings). Much less effective than the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for large-scale generalisation, but does a good job of maximising shape preservation.
// URL
<script src="https://bm13563.github.io/vertexCull.js/build/bundle.js"></script>
npm install vertexcull
NPM package info: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vertexcull.
var culledPolygon = new vc.CulledPolygon(polygon, theta);
var vc = require('vertexcull/build/bundle');
var culledPolygon = new vc.CulledPolygon(polygon, theta);
Where polygon is an array in the form [{x:100, y:200}, {x:300, y:400}, ...]
and theta is a tolerance for point discarding. Designed to be used at theta values of <= 5
. Will work for theta values > 5
, but the user may want to consider whether the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm is more appropriate in such cases.