CausCell: Causal disentanglement for single-cell representations and controllable counterfactual generation
This repository hosts the official implementation of CausCell, a method that can disentangle single-cell data into various concept based on pre-defined causal structure between underlying concepts. Additionally, CausCell can be used for counterfactual generation in single-cell data, while the counterfactual generated cells are consistent with the causal structure in realistic cases.
Our experiments were conducted on python=3.9.7 and our CUDA version is 11.4. We recommend using Anaconda / Miniconda to create a conda environment for using CausCell. You can create a python environment using the following command:
conda create -n causcell python==3.9.7
Then, you can activate the environment using:
conda activate causcell
Installing Pytorch with following command:
conda install pytorch==1.10.2 torchvision==0.11.3 torchaudio==0.10.2 -c pytorch
pip install .
We have made available the code necessary to generate example data, serving as a practical illustration for training and testing the CausCell model.
python ./Data/
In the example datasets, it contains 3 concepts and there are 4, 4, 3 concept values, respectively. The causal structure between these three concepts is defined as follows:
graph LR
Concept_A --> Concept_C
Concept_B --> Concept_C
Using this API, you can train CausCell on your own datasets using a few lines of code.
from causcell import CausCell
# set up a CausCell model
model = CausCell(save_and_sample_every=10)
# using the example data generated from ./Data/
# load its concept list, concept value counts and causal structure between concepts
concept_list = ['concept_A','concept_B','concept_C']
concept_counts = [4, 4, 3]
concept_cdag = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
# set up an output directory of model training
results_folder = "./Output"
# train dataset format transformation for CausCell training
transformed_train_data = model.data_transformation(data_pwd="./Data/example_train.h5ad",
# model training
concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag,
Using this API, you can obtain the concept representations and reconstructed cells in test dataset using a few lines of code.
from causcell import CausCell
# set up a CausCell model
model = CausCell()
# using the example data generated from ./Data/
# load its concept list, concept value counts and causal structure between concepts
concept_list = ['concept_A','concept_B','concept_C']
concept_counts = [4, 4, 3]
concept_cdag = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
# set up an output directory of results
results_folder = "./Output"
# load trained model parameters from previous training
model.load_trained(concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag,
# test dataset format transformation for CausCell training
transformed_test_data = model.data_transformation(data_pwd="./Data/example_test.h5ad",
# set up the path of transformed test dataset
testing_data_pwd = "./Data/transformed_example_test.h5ad"
# obtained the concept representations of all cells in test dataset
concept_embs = model.disentanglement(testing_data_pwd=testing_data_pwd,
concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag)
# obtained the reconstructed gene expression profiles of all cells in test dataset
generated_cells = model.get_generated_cells(testing_data_pwd=testing_data_pwd, saved_pwd="./Output",
concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag)
Using this API, you can load trained CausCell and perform counterfactual generation using a few lines of code.
from causcell import CausCell
# set up a CausCell model
model = CausCell()
# using the example data generated from ./Data/
# load its concept list, concept value counts and causal structure between concepts
concept_list = ['concept_A','concept_B','concept_C']
concept_counts = [4, 4, 3]
concept_cdag = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
# set up an output directory of model training
results_folder = "./Output"
# load trained model parameters from previous training
model.load_trained(concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag,
# set up counterfactual intervention targets
multi_target_list = [
{"target_factor": "concept_A", "ref_factor_value":"A", "tgt_factor_value": "B"},
{"target_factor": "concept_B", "ref_factor_value":"q", "tgt_factor_value": "r"},
# obtain the counterfactual generated cells based on the intervened concepts
counterfactual_generated_cells = model.counterfactual_generation(data_pwd="./Data/example_train.h5ad",
concept_list=concept_list, concept_counts=concept_counts, concept_cdag=concept_cdag,
Yicheng Gao, Kejing Dong, Qi Liu et al. Causal disentanglement for single-cell representations and controllable counterfactual generation, BioRxiv, 2024.