seed_cart is a web application built by following the tutorial by Maximilian Schwarzmüller and little bit of my own creativity
To run the seed_cart application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd seed_cart
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Start the application:
npm start
Open your browser and visit
to access the application.
Browse and Manage Seeds: Explore the seeds available on the platform. Add new seeds, to buy.
Simulate Checkout: Visit the /checkout page to simulate the checkout process. Select seeds, enter your details, and proceed. Note that this simulation does not involve payments.
View User Details: Check the /users page to see a table displaying user-entered details from the /checkout simulation.
The Seed Cart application uses the following technologies:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- React.js for front-end
- FireBase to store seeds and users
- React-Toastify
This project was built by following the tutorial by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, an AWS certified professional web developer and instructor. The tutorial provided the foundation and guidance for building the Expense Tracker application.
Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- Udemy Course: React - The Complete Guide 2023
For any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact the project creator:
- Name: PAVAN
- Email:
- Contact: @bm9avan