A simple promise wrapper for audio elements.
Attempting to manipulate the currentTime attribute of an audio or video element before the audio data is loaded will result in an INVALID_STATE_ERR error.
var audio = new Audio('http://example.com/someAudioFile.mp3');
audio.currentTime = 0;
Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11
Wrapping the audio element in a promise can help by moving code that manipulates currentTime to a callback which is run after the audio data has been loaded.
var promise = $.audioPromise(new Audio('http://example.com/someAudioFile.mp3'));
promise.done(function(audio) {
// the src has loaded and we can now manipulate currentTime without causing an exception
audio.currentTime = 0;
// the duration property now returns the correct value instead of NaN
$('#audio-element').audioPromise().done(function() {
//#audio-element's data is now loaded
var $audioElements = $('audio');
var promise = $audioElements.audioPromise();
promise.done(function() {
// success function
// all audio elements are now loaded
}, function() {
// error function
// there was a problem loading data for one or more of the audio elements