This is a Clojure implementation of microAdapton and miniAdapton as described on
- Don't use this in production: performance improvements would need to be done
- I haven't come up with a good example that shows a performance increase over normal memoization yet, but I haven't tried terribly hard either.
- The paper this is based on: miniAdapton: A Minimal Implementation of Incremental Computation in Scheme
- Comparing Adapton to Reactive Programming: Programming Language Techniques for Incremental and Reactive Computing
- Another Clojure implementation:
- use a profiler to see why it's slow
- maybe use proteus for the mutable state? -
- make it work with core.cache and core.memoize
- maybe implement shadow dom and compare against vue and react?
- Preact.js has a small api, might be a good way to do a POC
- build your own react guides: