licence plate detection from an image and retrieving licence number from that image. Traffic control and vehicle owner identification has become major problem in every country. Sometimes it becomes difficult to identify vehicle owner who violates traffic rules and drives too fast. Therefore, it is not possible to catch and punish those kinds of people because the traffic personal might not be able to retrieve vehicle number from the moving vehicle because of the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, there is a need to develop Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system as a one of the solutions to this problem. Automatic Number Plate Recognition system i.e.ANPR system is an image processing technology. In this technology we use license plate of vehicle to recognize the vehicle. Automatic Number Plate Recognition system is used in various areas such as automatic toll collection, Border crossings, parking system, Traffic control, stolen cars tracking, maintaining traffic activities and law enforcement etc.
We have implemented algorithm for Automatic Number Plate Recognition System using python. This algorithm initially used different inbuilt functions and implemented some user defined techniques related to image processing. Once the algorithm was implemented, it was checked with multiple input images having vehicle number plates. The input vehicle images consist of number plates. A flowchart shown below is the basic implementation algorithm which is shown in figure number 1.An OCR is used to recognize each character.
Number input image....
Number Identified Number Plate..
CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a
Downloading detection model, please wait. This may take several minutes
depending upon your network connection.
Downloading recognition model, please wait. This may take several minutes
depending upon your network connection.
Number Detected Plate Text : [([[46, 4], [168, 4], [168, 30], [46, 30]], 'LA
03 MG . 2784', 0.1524223205104773)]