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Install CSM Services

This procedure will install CSM applications and services into the CSM Kubernetes cluster.

Node: Check the information in Known Issues before starting this procedure to be warned about possible problems.


  1. Initialize Bootstrap Registry
  2. Create Site-Init Secret
  3. Deploy Sealed Secret Decryption Key
  4. Deploy CSM Applications and Services
  5. Setup Nexus
  6. Set NCNs to use Unbound
  7. Apply Pod Priorities
  8. Apply After Sysmgmt Manifest Workarounds
  9. Known Issues
  10. Next Topic


1. Initialize Bootstrap Registry

NOTE The bootstrap registry runs in a default Nexus configuration, which is started and populated in this section. It only exists during initial CSM install on the PIT node in order to bootstrap CSM services. Once CSM install is completed and the PIT node is rebooted as an NCN, the bootstrap Nexus no longer exists.

  1. Verify that Nexus is running:

    pit# systemctl status nexus
  2. Verify that Nexus is ready. (Any HTTP response other than 200 OK indicates Nexus is not ready.)

    pit# curl -sSif http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/status/writable

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2021 05:27:44 GMT
    Server: Nexus/3.25.0-03 (OSS)
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    Content-Length: 0
  3. Load the skopeo image installed by the cray-nexus RPM:

    pit# podman load -i /var/lib/cray/container-images/cray-nexus/skopeo-stable.tar
  4. Use skopeo sync to upload container images from the CSM release:

    pit# export CSM_RELEASE=csm-x.y.z
    pit# podman run --rm --network host -v /var/www/ephemeral/${CSM_RELEASE}/docker/ sync \
    --scoped --src dir --dest docker --dest-tls-verify=false --dest-creds admin:admin123 /images localhost:5000

    NOTE As the bootstrap Nexus uses the default configuration, the above command uses the default admin credentials (admin user with password admin123) in order to upload to the bootstrap registry, which is listening on localhost:5000.

2. Create Site-Init Secret

The site-init secret in the loftsman namespace makes /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml available to product installers. The site-init secret should only be updated when the corresponding customizations.yaml data is changed, such as during system installation or upgrade. Create the site-init secret to contain /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml:

pit# kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=/var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml

Expected output looks similar to the following:

secret/site-init created

NOTE If the site-init secret already exists then kubectl will error with a message similar to:

Error from server (AlreadyExists): secrets "site-init" already exists

In this case, delete the site-init secret and recreate it.

  1. First delete it:

    pit# kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    secret "site-init" deleted
  2. Then recreate it:

    pit# kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=/var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    secret/site-init created

WARNING If for some reason the system customizations need to be modified to complete product installation, administrators must first update customizations.yaml in the site-init Git repository, which may no longer be mounted on any cluster node, and then delete and recreate the site-init secret as shown below.

To read customizations.yaml from the site-init secret:

ncn# kubectl get secrets -n loftsman site-init -o jsonpath='{.data.customizations\.yaml}' | base64 -d > customizations.yaml

To delete the site-init secret:

ncn# kubectl -n loftsman delete secret site-init

To recreate the site-init secret:

ncn# kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=customizations.yaml

3. Deploy Sealed Secret Decryption Key

Deploy the corresponding key necessary to decrypt sealed secrets:

pit# /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/deploy/

An error similar to the following may occur when deploying the key:

Error from server (NotFound): secrets "sealed-secrets-key" not found

W0304 17:21:42.749101   29066 helpers.go:535] --dry-run is deprecated and can be replaced with --dry-run=client.
secret/sealed-secrets-key created
Restarting sealed-secrets to pick up new keys
No resources found

This is expected and can safely be ignored.

4. Deploy CSM Applications and Services

Run to deploy CSM applications services. This command may take 25 minutes or more to run.

NOTE requires various system configuration which are expected to be found in the locations used in proceeding documentation; however, it needs to know SYSTEM_NAME in order to find metallb.yaml and sls_input_file.json configuration files.

Some commands will also need to have the CSM_RELEASE variable set.

Verify that the SYSTEM_NAME and CSM_RELEASE environment variables are set:

pit# echo $SYSTEM_NAME
pit# echo $CSM_RELEASE

If they are not set, perform the following:

pit# export SYSTEM_NAME=eniac
pit# export CSM_RELEASE=csm-x.y.z
pit# cd /var/www/ephemeral/$CSM_RELEASE
pit# ./

On success, will output OK to stderr and exit with status code 0, e.g.:

pit# ./
+ CSM applications and services deployed OK

In the event that does not complete successfully, consult the known issues below to resolve potential problems and then try running again.

IMPORTANT: If you have to re-run to re-deploy failed ceph-csi provisioners you must make sure to delete the jobs that have not completed. These are left there for investigation on failure. They are automatically removed on a successful deployment.

pit# kubectl get jobs
cray-ceph-csi-cephfs   0/1                      3m35s
cray-ceph-csi-rbd      0/1                      8m36s

If these jobs exist then kubectl delete job <jobname> before running again.

5. Setup Nexus

Run ./lib/ to configure Nexus and upload CSM RPM repositories, container images, and Helm charts. This command may take 20 minutes or more to run.

pit# ./lib/

On success, will output to OK on stderr and exit with status code 0, e.g.:

pit# ./lib/
+ Nexus setup complete OK

In the event of an error, consult the known issues below to resolve potential problems and then try running again. Note that subsequent runs of may report FAIL when uploading duplicate assets. This is ok as long as outputs OK and exits with status code 0.

6. Set Management NCNs to use Unbound

First, verify that SLS properly reports all management NCNs in the system:

pit# ./lib/

On success, each management NCN will be output, e.g.:

pit# ./lib/
+ Getting admin-client-auth secret
+ Obtaining access token
+ Querying SLS

If any management NCNs are missing from the output, take corrective action before proceeding.

Next, run lib/ to SSH to each management NCN and update /etc/resolv.conf to use Unbound as the nameserver.

pit# ./lib/

NOTE If passwordless SSH is not configured, the administrator will have to enter the corresponding password as the script attempts to connect to each NCN.

On success, the nameserver configuration in /etc/resolv.conf will be printed for each management NCN, e.g.,:

pit# ./lib/
+ Getting admin-client-auth secret
+ Obtaining access token
+ Querying SLS
+ Updating ncn-m001
ncn-m001: nameserver
ncn-m001: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-m002
ncn-m002: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-m003
ncn-m003: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-s001
ncn-s001: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-s002
ncn-s002: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-s003
ncn-s003: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-w001
ncn-w001: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-w002
ncn-w002: nameserver
+ Updating ncn-w003
ncn-w003: nameserver

NOTE The script connects to ncn-m001 which will be the PIT node, whose password may be different from that of the other NCNs.

7. Apply Pod Priorities

Run the script to create and apply a pod priority class to services critical to CSM. This will give these services a higher priority than others to ensure they get scheduled by Kubernetes in the event that resources are limited on smaller deployments.

pit# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0/scripts/upgrade/
Creating csm-high-priority-service pod priority class configured

Patching cray-postgres-operator deployment in services namespace
deployment.apps/cray-postgres-operator patched

Patching cray-postgres-operator-postgres-operator-ui deployment in services namespace
deployment.apps/cray-postgres-operator-postgres-operator-ui patched

Patching istio-operator deployment in istio-operator namespace
deployment.apps/istio-operator patched

Patching istio-ingressgateway deployment in istio-system namespace
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway patched

After running the script, the affected pods will be restarted as the pod priority class is applied to them.

8. Apply After Sysmgmt Manifest Workarounds

Follow the workaround instructions for the after-sysmgmt-manifest breakpoint.

9. Known Issues

The script changes cluster state and should not simply be rerun in the event of a failure without careful consideration of the specific error. It may be possible to resume installation from the last successful command executed by, but administrators will need to appropriately modify to pick up where the previous run left off. (Note: The script runs with set -x, so each command will be printed to stderr prefixed with the expanded value of PS4, namely, + .)

Known potential issues with suggested fixes are listed in Troubleshoot Nexus.

9. Next Topic

After completing this procedure the next step is to redeploy the PIT node.