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This table provides a key to the most commonly used abbreviations in the catalogue.

Abbreviation Abbreviation Full reference
Acta Sanctorum J. Bollandus, Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur … (Antwerp, 1643– )
AHDLMA Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 1– (Paris, 1926– )
AL Aristoteles Latinus: Codices, ed. G. Lacombe et al., i (Rome, 1939), ii (Cambridge, 1955), Supplementa altera (Bruges, Paris, 1961)
Alexander and Temple J.J.G. Alexander and E. Temple, Illuminated Manuscripts in Oxford College Libraries, the University Archives and the Taylor Institution (Oxford, 1985)
AO J. Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, early series, 4 vols. (Oxford, 1891–2)
Bale, Index John Bale, Index Britanniae scriptorum: John Bale’s Index of British and Other Writers, ed. R. L. Poole and M. Bateson (Oxford, 1902), repr. with an introduction by C. Brett and J. P. Carley (Cambridge, 1990)
BHG Bibliotheca hagiographica Graeca, 3rd ed., 3 vols. (Brussels, 1957)
BHL Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1898-1901); suppl. Brussels, 1986
Bloomfield M. W. Bloomfield et al., Incipits of Latin Works on the Vices and Virtues, 1100–1500 A. D. (Cambridge, Mass., 1979)
BLR Bodleian Library Record, 1– (Oxford, 1939– )
BMC British Museum, Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century now in the British Museum, 12 vols. (London, 1908–85)
Boase1 C. W. Boase, Register of the Rectors and Fellows … of Exeter College Oxford with Illustrative Documents and a History of the College, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1879, 1894)
Boase2 C. W. Boase, Registrum collegii Exoniensis …, new edn., OHS, 27 (Oxford, 1894)
BRUC A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500 (Cambridge, 1963)
BRUO A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A. D. 1500 (Oxford, 1957–9)
BRUO 1501–1540 A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford A.D. 1501 to 1540, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1974)
Bursill-Hall, Census G. L. Bursill-Hall, A Census of Medieval Latin Grammatical Manuscripts (Stuttgart, 1981)
CBMLC Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues
CCCM Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis
CCSL Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina
Chevalier RH, Rep. Hymn. U. Chevalier, Repertorium hymnologicum, 6 vols (Louvain, 1892-1921)
CIC Corpus iuris civilis, i: Institutiones, Digesta, ed. P. Krueger and Th. Mommsen (Berlin, 1870, repr. 1954); ii: Codex Justinianus, ed. P. Krueger (Berlin, 1892)
CMA (E. Bernard), Catalogi scriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae (Oxford, 1697)
CPG M. Geerard [et al.], Clavis patrum Graecorum, 2nd ed., 6 vols. (Turnhout, 1974-1987)
CPL E. Dekkers and E. Gaar, Clavis patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed. (Turnhout, 1995)
Dean & Boulton Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M. Boulton, Anglo-Norman literature : a guide to texts and manuscripts (London, 1999)
DIMEV The Digital Index of Middle English Verse []
Emden BRUC A. B. Emden, _A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (1963)
Emden BRUO A. B. Emden, _A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (1957-9)
Glorieux Arts. P. Glorieux, La Faculté des arts et ses maîtres au XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1971)
Glorieux Théol. P. Glorieux, Répertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1933-4)
GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (
Grégoire R. Grégoire, Homéliaires liturgiques médiévaux : analyse de manuscrits (Spoleto, 1980)
Hutter I. Hutter, Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturenhandschriften (1977-1997)
ICO Ioannis Chrysostomi Opera Omnia, ed. S. Gelenius (Basel, 1547)
IMEV, IMEV(S), NIMEV The Index of Middle English Verse (1943), Supplement (1965), A New Index of Middle English Verse (2005)
IPMEP R.E. Lewis, N.F. Blake, and A.S.G. Edwards, The Index of Printed Middle English Prose (1985)
ISTC Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (
Jaffé P. Jaffé, Regesta pontificum Romanorum : ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII, 3rd ed., 3 vols (2016-)
Kaeppeli T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, 4 vols. (Rome, 1970-1993)
Lambert B. Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta. La tradition manuscrite des œuvres de Saint Jérôme (1969-1972)
Lapidge & Sharpe Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A bibliography of Celtic-Latin literature 400-1200 (Dublin, 1985)
MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica. For the abbreviations for individual series, and links to online volumes, see
P&A Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford, 3 vols. (1966-1973); concordance and supplement by B. Barker-Benfield, 1974
PG Patrologia Graeca
PL Patrologia Latina
SAO Sancti Anselmi Opera, ed. F. S. Schmitt, 6 vols in 2, 1968
SBO Sancti Bernardi Opera, ed. J. Leclerq, C. H. Talbot, H. M. Rochais, 8 vols. (1957-77)
SChr Sources chrétiennes (Paris, 1941-)
Schneyer Johannes Baptist Schneyer [et al.], Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1150-1350, 11 vols. (1969-1990)
Schulte J. F. Schulte, Die geschichte der quellen und literatur de canonischen rechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart, 3 vols. in 4 (Stuttgart, 1875-1880)
Sharpe Handlist R. Sharpe, A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540 (Turnhout, 1997); ‘Additions and Corrections (1997-2001)’, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (2001), 913-44
SK D. Schaller and E. Könsgen, Initia carminum Latinorum saeculo undecimo antiquiorum (1977)
Stegmüller Sent. F. Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, 2 vols. (Würzburg, 1947); supplement by V. Doucet, Quaracchi, 1954
Stegmüller F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid, 1940 [recte 1950] - 1980) [vols. 8-11 by V. Reinhardt] online:
Thorndike/Kibre = TK = TKI L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin, 2nd ed (London, 1963) online:
USTC Universal Short Title Catalogue (
VD16 Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (
Verfasserlexikon Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters: Verfasserlexikon, ed. Kurt Ruh et al. (Berlin, 1978-)
Walther = WIC H. Walther, Initia carminum ac versuum Medii Aevi posterioris Latinorum (Göttingen, 1959; suppl. 1969)
WZIS Wasserzeichen-Informationssystem (
Zumkeller A. Zumkeller, Manuskripte von Werken der Autoren des Augustiner-Eremitenordens in mitteleuropäischen Bibliotheken (1966)
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