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Releases: boettiger-lab/gym_fishing

gym_fishing v0.0.7

11 Dec 04:32
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gym_fishing v0.0.5

04 Dec 18:53
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Additional models:

  • Myers, May, Ricker, Beverton-Holt, Allen, ModelUncertainty, NonStationary
  • refactor code and tests to conform to standards, see Makefile [#42]

gym_fishing v0.0.4

29 Oct 00:52
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Release notes

  • fix plotting method

  • Add three new environments:

  • fishing_v2 uses an environment that has a tipping point (as case which technically violates the concavity assumptions of Reed's 1979 proof, though the optimal solution with small noise is still essentially the same constant escapement strategy)

  • fishing_v3 with observation error (also not covered by Reed's proof, and the optimal strategy is not constant escapement in this case, as we showed recently using POMDP methods: )

  • fishing_v4 adds uncertainty around the parameters. Technically I believe you can nest this case into a classic MDP framework using a Bayesian learning rule, see . Curious to explore 'transfer learning' in this one as well, e.g. can it learn something more general / more robust than agents (like all the other examples) which are only ever trained on a fixed parameter set?

gym_fishing v0.0.3

09 Oct 22:57
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  • adds simulate and plotting methods
  • some tweaks to the default parameter choices
  • updated stable-baselines3 examples


08 Sep 00:34
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Initial release of gym_fishing: An OpenAI Gym implementation of the classic optimal fishing harvest problem, for benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning applications to ecological management and conservation problems.