This app shows how to use the databasedotcom and omniauth gems to interact with data stored on from a heroku app using the addon.
#from your app dir
heroku addons:add database-com
heroku config | grep DATABASE_COM_URL
cp keys.rv keys.rb.sample
use value from heroku as your ENV var
bundle install
bundle exec foreman start
To create models, login through the addon page from your heroku account.
- Create a custom object called "Product"
- call the name field "Name"
- give it a price field
- give it a description field
- give it an image_url field
Or just delete the ProductController and use your own models!
We're using ::const_missing to allow us to dynamically materialize the model objects.
OmniAuth is handling the login. Credentials are stored in the session and a connection is established with each request.
OmniAuth has a bug that causes it to drop the "s" part of https, so we have to override it in the omniauth initializer.
if Rails.env.production?
OmniAuth.config.full_host = ""