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v1 ship info

boholder edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 3 revisions


Ships information in json or image format. Don't be afraid of the length of this document, You can use API with just a few readings about parameters descriptions.


Request url example 示例URL: http://domain/v1/ship/info? match=murasame [& matchfmt=en_us] [& resfmt=json]

1. Parameters 参数

1.1. Overall 一览表

For details, please refer to the corresponding section below.


parameter name must required parameter values default value brief description
match Yes custom input N/A value for matching ship, ship's name or id*
matchfmt No id
zh_cn match value's format
resfmt No json
json response format
  • id match format is specially relative to the database record id, not the id in the in-game memory album.
  • One id represent one ship's one model, so one ship always has more than one "ship id".
参数名 是否必须 取值 默认值 简单说明
match 用户输入 N/A 匹配值,可为舰娘名或id*
matchfmt id
zh_cn 匹配值的格式
resfmt json
json 响应的格式
  • 匹配格式的舰娘id为数据库id,非游戏内图鉴id。
  • 一个id为单个舰娘的某个形态,即单个舰娘通常对应多个"ship id"

1.2. match (match value 匹配值)

must required parameter? 是否必须? Yes
- - -
  • String or Number format.
  • Represent for ship's name or in-database id.
  • Be used to matching ship.
  • For the match formats, see the matchfmt parameter.
  • 字符串或数字,舰娘名或数据库内id,具体格式参照matchfmt参数。

1.3. matchfmt (match format) 匹配格式

must required parameter? 是否必须? No
Default value 默认值 zh_cn
  • id

    • In-database record id.
    • 数据库舰娘记录id.
  • ja_jp

    • Japanese kanji format, example match value : 長門
    • 日文汉字格式,例:長門
    • 台灣朋友應該也可以使用該格式作繁體中文的搜索
  • ja_kana

    • Japanese kana format, example match value : ながと
    • 日语假名格式,例:ながと
  • en_us

    • In fact, it's Japanese romaji format, example match value : Nagato
    • Not case-sensitive.
    • 日语罗马音格式,例:Nagato
    • 大小写不敏感
  • zh_cn

    • Simplified Chinese format, example match value : 长门
    • 简体中文格式,例:长门
    • 不支持别称,别忘了丸优之类的正名,会伤心的,她们。

Additional explanation 额外说明

  1. Some names seem to missing in the database, especially languages other than Simplified Chinese and Japanese. If you encounter a missing name, please help update and commit to the project WhoCallsTheFleet-DB.

  2. For the matching of foreign ships, the translation may be ambiguous. Please use the ja_jp format as the priority format. Some foreign ships only have names in ja_jp and zh_cn formats, and the ja_jp name is the name in the game, which may be English (U-511), Russian (Ташкент) etc.

  3. 数据集里好像有一些名字是缺失的,碰到缺失情况请帮忙更新并commit到项目 WhoCallsTheFleet-DB

  4. 关于海外舰的匹配,译名可能引起歧义,请以ja_jp为优先格式。部分海外舰只有ja_jpzh_cn格式的名字,且ja_jp名字为游戏内名字,可能为英语(U-511),俄语(Ташкент)等.

1.4. resfmt (response format) 响应格式

must required parameter? 是否必须? No
Default value 默认值 json
  • json

    • Response in json format
    • 以json格式作为响应
  • img

    • Response a low resolution png format image,
    • which contains the in-game ship data such as state, default equipments etc.
    • By the way, the image is in Chinese.
    • 以一张低分辨率的png图片作为响应,
    • 图片包含了一些最重要的信息,比如舰娘属性和初始装备等。
    • (萌娘百科舰C板的数据表格的截图)

2. Response description 响应属性解释

The server accurately matches all models of one ship according to the request and respond. When the name in the name-based request is incomplete, the server will return 400 with possible complete name (example: request: "雨","zh_cn name format", response: 400,"Similar names: ["时雨","五月雨","春雨"...]")

2.1 HTTP status code used in API response 响应资源状态码

HTTP response status codes - MDN web docs

code massage explanation
200 OK The server gets at least ship's one model in db
and successfully translates them into response format.
400 Bad Request There is something wrong in request params,
maybe unsupported format, unreasonable value...
readable explanation will be sent with response as body.
404 Not Found It seems no typical wrong in request,
but server matches nothing based on request.
Maybe request is correct but server's resource missing that record,
or requested record isn't exist
(e.g. a ship name that does not exist in game).
500 Internal Server Error Unhandled error occurred when server processing request,
tell the server administrator to check log
or report it as an issue on issue page.

2.2. Json format json格式

status code:200, Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  {ship's model1 object},
  {ship's model2 object},
  {ship's model3 pbject}...

2.2.1 One ship's model object structure 对单个舰娘形态Json的解释 Introduction 介绍

This structure basically exposes all the fields of this collection, and I do some modifications on fields name and value.

本结构基本暴露了这个集合 的所有字段,我做了一些字段名称和内容上的改动。

The name model replace rule of the missing value of en_us:
en_us -> ja_romaji -> ja_jp, so some names such as equipment names, because of the lack of en_us AND ja_romaji names, will be replaced with ja_jp names, which are Japanese characters. This is unreasonable, but it is guaranteed the value of en_us is not empty, note that ja_jp name is in-game name of one entity, they should be always existed.

en_us -> ja_romaji -> ja_jp,因此部分名称比如装备名,因为缺少en_usja_romaji名称,会被替代为ja_jp名称即日语汉字。 这不合理,但这保证了en_us的值非空。注意ja_jp是游戏内名称,不管它是日语还是其他外语,它应当一直存在,是一个良好的默认值。 Details 详细介绍
  • id 数据库中舰娘ID in-database ship id

  • no 游戏内图鉴ID in-game memory album ship card id

  • name 名称

    • ja_jp 日文 (村雨改二)
    • ja_kana 日文假名 (むらさめ改二)
    • en_ud 日文罗马音 (MurasameKai Ni)
    • zh_cn 简体中文 (村雨改二)
  • type 舰种名 Ship type

    • id 数据库内id in-database id
    • name
      • ja_jp 日文 (駆逐艦)
      • en_us 英语 (Destroyer)
      • zh_cn 简体中文 (驱逐舰)
  • class 舰级名 Ship Class name

    • id 数据库内id in-database id
    • name
      • ja_jp 日文 (白露)
      • en_us 英语 (Shiratsuyu)
      • zh_cn 简体中文 (白露)
  • class_no 舰级编号

  • remodel_series_id 记录舰娘所有形态的关系表id,暂无用

  • base_level

    • 该改造版本的基础等级
    • level requested to perform remodel
  • buildtime 建造时间,分钟 build time in minutes

  • rare 稀有度等级,1~8

  • stat number 属性

    • fire 火力
    • fire_max 火力最大值
    • torpedo 雷装
    • torpedo_max 雷装最大值
    • anti_air 对空
    • anti_air_max 对空最大值
    • anti_submarine 对潜
    • anti_submarine_max 对潜99级时
    • hp 耐久
    • hp_max
      • 耐久最大值,有可能大于婚后理论值,此时以婚后理论值为准
      • Max hp,it may be greater than the theoretical max value after marriage,
      • please base on the theoretical max value of marriage.
    • armor 装甲
    • armosr_max 装甲最大值
    • evasion 回避
    • evasion_max 回避99级时 EVA when lv.99
    • line_of_sight 索敌
    • line_of_sight_max 索敌99级时 LOS when lv.99
    • luck
    • luck_max 运最大值
    • carry 总搭载量
    • speed
      • 航速,5或10,5表低速,10表高速
      • ship speed, the value is 5 (represent low speed) or 10 (represent high speed)
    • range
      • 射程,1~4,越大射程越长
      • fire range
  • max_consumption 补给时最大消耗 max consumption when re-supplied

    • fuel 油耗
    • ammo 弹耗
  • equipment_slot [number] 装备格 & 每格搭载

    • The length of the array is the number of slots.
    • Each number means that slot's carrier load number.
    • 长度表示装备格数
    • 每个元素数字表示该格搭载量
  • initial_equipments [object] 默认装备

    • for each object:
    • id 数据库内id in-database id
    • name
      • ja_jp (12.7cm連装砲C型改二)
      • en_us (12.7cm連装砲C型改二)
        • notice that the default replace logic copy ja_jp name to en_us name
        • 注意这里en_us名称被默认替换为ja_jp名称
      • zh_cn (12.7cm连装炮C型改二)
    • improvement_star 初始改修星数 initial improvement level
  • dismentlement_gain 废弃所得资源 Gain after dismantle

    • fuel
    • ammo
    • steel
    • bauxite
    • 按顺序资源为:油、弹、钢、铝
  • modernization_provides [number] 近代化改修(合成)所得属性

    • fire
    • torpedo
    • anti_air
    • armor
    • luck
    • 按顺序资源为:火力、雷装、对空、装甲、运
  • remodel 改造信息

    • prev
      • ship_id 改造前舰娘ID ship's prev-model id
      • have_more_than_one_prev_form boolean
        • value is true, means this model has more than one prev-model
        • 值为ture,表示不止一个前形态
    • next
      • ship_id 改装后舰娘ID ship's next-model id
      • level_request 改装所需等级
      • have_more_than_one_next_form
        • like have_more_than_one_prev_form
        • 值为ture,表示不止一个新形态
      • cost 改装消耗
        • ammo 弹耗
        • steel 钢耗
  • additional_item_types 额外可装备类型

    • id [string] ([38, 43])
    • name
      • ja_jp [string] (["上陸用舟艇","司令部施設"])
      • en_us [string] (["Landing Craft","Command Facility"])
      • zh_cn [string] (["登陆艇","司令部设施"])
  • additional_disable_item_types {[string]} 额外不可装备类型

    • id [string]
    • name
      • ja_jp [string]
      • en_us [string]
      • zh_cn [string]
    • This field only appears on a very small number of ships, such as Tatsuta Kai Ni, who can't equip with a seaplane, which is a general ability of CL.
    • 该字段只在极少数船上出现,比如龙田改二,她不能装备一般轻巡能装备的水侦
  • relations 相关信息 This Ship's CV & Illustrator name

    • cv 声优
      • id 数据库内id in-database id
      • name
        • ja_jp (谷邊 由美)
        • en_us (谷邊 由美)
        • zh_cn (谷边 由美)
    • illustrator 画师
      • id 数据库内id in-database id
      • name
        • ja_jp (玖条イチソ)
        • en_us (玖条イチソ)
        • zh_cn (玖条ITISO)
  • links [object] 相关链接 Related Links

    • for each object:
    • name 链接名 link name
    • url 链接地址 URL
  • special_capabilities 额外能力

    • count_as_landing_craft 算作:登陆艇
    • count_as_night_operation_aviation_personnel 算作:夜间航空要员
    • participate_night_battle_when_equip_swordfish 当装备剑鱼时可参与夜战
  • cg ship's CG image request urls

    • normal
    • seasonal [object]
      • for each object:
      • id in-database seasonal cg id
      • type
        • id in-database seasonal cg type id
        • name
          • ja_jp (梅雨)
          • en_us (Rainy Season)
          • zh_cn (梅雨)
        • time
          • ja_jp (6月上旬)
          • en_us (Early June)
          • zh_cn (6月初)
      • url
    • all_in_one
      • 对该舰娘所有CG的截图
      • Screenshot about all CG of this ship

3.Example 例子

Take Shiratsuyu Class Destroyer: Murasame as an example.


3.1. Json format json格式

Request url: host/v1/ship/info? match=村雨 & matchfmt=zh_cn & resfmt=json

It's too long, I've put it to another page.

3.2. Image format 图片格式

Request url: host/v1/ship/info? match=村雨 & matchfmt=zh_cn & resfmt=img

example image