Records and reproduces user's in-page behavior
Traquer is a tool that enables you to record a testing session on you web/page/app, than reproduce it, monitor how it performed, create a naïve heatmap, and even automate your testing sessions using Selenium Webdriver and Jasmine...
Original blog post about this is already here - so go check it out.
In following example, you'll see a record and playback on Ext JS example called 'Admin Dashboard'.
Another example shows that there is actual list of recorded cases, which you can use to set up playback.
You can create heatmap from one ore many cases.
In this example, I've reloaded page which means - new element id's (testing hell).
Here, I'll create case in Firefox, export it from there, and import it to Chrome. It'll perform good.
In this last video for this post, I'm showing how to join multiple cases to one 'mega-case'.
This is WIP, some features don't work as they should (jasmine/seleinum automation for example).
Contribution/interest is welcomed.
I won't forget to mention and thank these great guys who contributed to make this available:
- Bojan Dević ( who refactored initial version of this tool (which was messy load of crap), which made further development available
- Mirko Kukoleča ( who was idea originator, some two years ago
- Goran Smiljanić ( for early reviews, and great ideas about how this should look and work,
- ... (more people to come)