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VSC quick start

barbara1990 edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Vienna Scientific Cluster user documentation:

Introduction to working on the VSC-3 Cluster:

Quick start with this project on VSC-3 (for more or updated information read documentation linked above):

  1. Clone this github repository to your VSC folder
  2. If needed, make changes in Makefile
  3. Load modules needed for building a binary file (can be adapted): module load gcc/7.3.0 cmake/3.9.6
  4. Build with ./
  5. Prepare or copy data into your local repository (see points 2-7 in YOLOv3 training)
  6. Create a slurm job with a chosen darknet command (see points 8-12 in YOLOv3 training). An example for running on one gpu, limited to 3 hours (optional but can shorten the time of waiting for starting the job): retour_train
  7. Send the job with sbatch command e.g. sbatch batches/retour_train
  8. You can see your jobs with squeue -u yourusername
  9. As an output see the most recent .out file