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Cem Bassoy edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Boost.uBLAS wiki!

This wiki primarily provides information and guidelines for (potential) contributors and users of Boost.uBlas.



Boost.uBlas is a header only library and thus does not need to be installed. Including headers is sufficient. The vector and matrix components mostly depend on the Boost.Core library.

Examples and Tutorials

Examples how to use tensor types can be found in the examples folder. Tutorials and examples for vector and matrix types will be provided in future.



Short discussions shall take place in Boost.uBlas Gitter channel. We recommend GSoC students to this channel first. Longer discussions with a topic should be placed in section discussion. Have a look at the discussion regarding the improvement proposal for topic tensor extents. The Boost.uBlas mailing list is used less frequently and should be avoided.

Reporting bugs

Bugs should be reported and placed inside the issues tab.

For Contributors