A small script creating PolKit rules, allowing wheel users to execute tasks like mounting LUKS drives, starting virt-manager and anything you like.
On fedora (and probably other Distros) many apps are permitted to run without a sudo password prompt. This is quite annoying, especially when automounting LUKS drives or wanting to use virt-manager.
- Wikipedia
- RedHat (with example)
- Debian Wiki, explaining the difference to Policykit
- Arch wiki with more infos on Desktop implementations
wget https://github.com/trytomakeyouprivate/Polkit-helper/raw/main/create-polkit-rule -P ~/.local/bin/ && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/create-polkit-rule && echo "Polkit rule helper installed."
- Try to execute an app and see the password prompt, on KDE click on "show details" and copy the process ID
- Launch the script in the Terminal by entering
- Enter any name (without empty spaces) to name the rule.
- Paste the processes name
Be careful not to allow critical processes to run without a password prompt!
Unlocking and mounting LUKS drives:
- org.freedesktop.udisks2.encrypted-unlock-system
- org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system
Using virt-manager:
This is done by adding the user to the group libvirt
sudo groupadd libvirt
sudo usermod -aG libvirt $USER