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Project management FAQ RAQ

enkore edited this page Jul 23, 2017 · 8 revisions

What is the meaning of the labels assigned to issues?

Most (bug, security, documentation, ...) are probably self-explanatory, but some — or their use in the project — might not be.

invalid: invalid perhaps sounds a bit negative, but really just means that it's neither a bug nor a feature/change request. E.g. a question that is already documented might be labelled invalid. This makes finding issues using the search faster (since one rarely searches for this kind of issue).
wontfix: No time table or plans to implement. Does not mean that something is rejected for eternity, since arguments pro/contra something can change with time and context.
duplicate: Contains the same topic as another issue. Sometimes the older of two issues that cover the same thing is labelled the duplicate. This usually happens if the newer one contains more/better information or if the old issue was split up.
backport/XYZ: See
stale: The stale label is mostly used for pull requests where for one reason or another nothing is happening any more.
c: XYZ: component XYZ
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