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Simple page that returns a random inspiring quote from a famous software engineer. This is a portfolio project as part of the Backend Software Engineer path at Codecademy.


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#Mixed Messages Portfolio Project

###The Goal

To build a JavasScript app that prints a random message to a user every time it runs.

This is a component of the module 'Software Development Foundation' of my 'Backend Engineering Path' at Codecademy.

####The engineer's thought process

1. **Visualizing the end result:**
* Every time the app runs - user clicks a button at the DOM - there's a quote about an expert talking about how to transition successfully to engineering.
* The application uses HTML and CSS to display the app to a browser. 
* The app uses JS to create the mechanism that selects a random quote and brings it back to the user.
* the files are created in my directory and stored in Github.

2. **My newbie questions**
* How to display an HTML file from GitHub to a web browser (I don't plan to host it in any domain right now)
A: Just use the 'raw' version provided by GitHub.
* How to create a relative path from an HTML file to a CSS and JS file inside GitHub
A: Just reference the GitHub raw url source to the destination file.

3. **The plan**
>A. Create a list of 20 quotes from experts about starting another career into software engineering. 20 min
>B. Create a repository to store my project in GitHub. 30 min
>C. Create draft HTML, CSS and JS files in my repository. 15 min
>D. Create the JS feature that responds to an element click by picking a random quote and returning it to the browser. 45 min
>E. Create the HTML file that will display the code. 30 min
>F. Create the reference CSS stylesheet. 15 min
>G. Test the app. 15 min
>H. Delete the local directory. 15 min

This project will take approximately 5 to 8 hours to be completed.

4. **The Action**
A. The list of 20 quotes from experts about starting a new career into software engineering:
1. **Martin Fowler**: "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."  
   - Author of "Refactoring" and a prominent advocate for readable code in software engineering.

2. **Ward Cunningham**: "You don't need to be a great coder to be a great software engineer; you need to be a great problem-solver."  
   - Inventor of the wiki concept, promoting collaborative work, and a contributor to agile software methodologies.

3. **Robert C. Martin**: "The only way to go fast is to go well."  
   - Known as "Uncle Bob," he emphasizes good practices in his book "Clean Code."

4. **Kent Beck**: "First make it work, then make it right, then make it fast."  
   - Creator of Extreme Programming (XP), a methodology that balances speed with proper engineering.

5. **Steve McConnell**: "Carefully engineered code is not just about the code itself, but the process used to create it."  
   - Author of "Code Complete," focusing on structured software development processes.

6. **Joel Spolsky**: "A software engineer is not just a coder, but someone who can understand and solve complex problems."  
   - Co-founder of Stack Overflow, emphasizing the broader role of software engineers.

7. **Steve Jobs**: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."  
   - Co-founder of Apple Inc., he revolutionized technology with his innovative approach to product development.

8. **Fred Brooks**: "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later."  
   - Author of "The Mythical Man-Month," a classic book on software engineering and project management.

9. **Grady Booch**: "The function of good software is to make the complex appear to be simple."  
   - Co-creator of UML, stressing the importance of design in software engineering.

10. **Tim Berners-Lee**: "The Web does not just connect machines, it connects people."  
   - Inventor of the World Wide Web, emphasizing the impact of software on society.

11. **Bjarne Stroustrup**: "The most important single aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build."  
   - Creator of C++, he highlights the importance of a clear understanding of project goals.

12. **Steve Wozniak**: "Wherever smart people work, doors are unlocked."  
   - Co-founder of Apple Inc., reinforcing the value of a collaborative work environment.

13. **Donald Knuth**: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."  
   - Known for "The Art of Computer Programming," he underscores the importance of focus and planning in software engineering.

14. **Ken Thompson**: "When in doubt, use brute force."  
   - Co-creator of Unix, highlighting the simplicity of direct approaches in complex engineering problems.

15. **Linus Torvalds**: "Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program."  
   - Creator of the Linux kernel, underscoring the intrinsic motivation behind successful software engineering careers.

16. **Jeff Atwood**: "If you do something long enough, you develop an expertise. It doesn’t matter if it’s writing, software engineering, or bowling."  
   - Co-founder of Stack Overflow, emphasizing the role of persistence in developing a career in software engineering.

17. **Ada Lovelace**: "The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform."  
   - Considered the world's first computer programmer, highlighting the role of creativity and planning in software engineering.

18. **Brian Kernighan**: "Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming."  
   - Co-author of "The C Programming Language," he focuses on managing complexity in software projects.

19. **Bill Gates**: "If you can't make it good, at least make it look good."  
   - Co-founder of Microsoft, emphasizing the importance of presentation and user experience in software engineering.

20. **Dennis Ritchie**: "The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it."  
   - Co-creator of the C programming language, stressing the importance of hands-on experience in building a software engineering career.



Simple page that returns a random inspiring quote from a famous software engineer. This is a portfolio project as part of the Backend Software Engineer path at Codecademy.








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