Beget DNS01 webhook
The module is active, but the underlying API is rarely changing, not much to update yet. Give it a star, if you're using it.
install cert-manager
kubectl apply -f
instal the issuer:
- NOTE: The kubernetes resources used to install the Webhook should be deployed within the same namespace as the cert-manager ("cert-manager" by default, check ./deploy/values.yaml).
helm repo add boryashkin
helm repo update
helm install cert-beget boryashkin/cert-manager-beget-webhook
- OR
- pull this repo
helm install webhook-beget ./deploy/beget -f ./deploy/values.yaml -n cert-manager
create a secret for beget API
create an issuer
request certificates
add the certificates to services
Follow an example for details: testdata/resources.
You can run the webhook test suite with:
$ make test