Utility scripts to ease management of GitHub projects for ROS / ROS 2
This is a setuptools
-based python package. To install it and all its dependencies:
# Note that this is by _path_, it's not the name of a package on PyPI - so substitute as appropriate for your working directory
pip3 install ./ros-github-scripts
Creates a github gist containing a modified ros2.repos, with the source branches from one or more PRs. Optionally, runs ci.ros2.org jobs and comments the status badges on the PRs in question - if the user has build access to ci.ros2.org.
See ros-ci-for-pr --help
for full usage.
Example average case:
ros-ci-for-pr \
--pulls ros2/rosbag2#654 \
--packages rosbag2_cpp rosbag2_tests \
--build \
Generates a report of merged PRs on GitHub from a set of authors, optionally filtered by time and destination, and rendered to a variety of formats.
See ros-github-contribution-report --help
for full usage.
Example average case:
ros-github-contribution-report \
--since 2021-01-01 \
--authors emersonknapp \
--orgs ros2 ros-tooling \
--format table \
--render > my_contributions_this_year.html
Run tests by invoking tox
in the repository directory.