This package provides middlewares for SwiftRex handling MapKit related actions.
In order to estimate the time of arrival, the first step is to create a Journey
object containing facts about the intended route. This object can then be used to create an ETAAction
, which, after it is dispatched, is handled by the eta middleware (AppleMapsMiddleware.eta
). The accompanying reducer (AppleMapsReducer.eta
) updates the state (ETAState
) accordingly.
struct ETAAction {
static let cancel: ETAAction
static func calculateETA(for journey: Journey) -> ETAAction
enum ETAState {
case initial
case estimating
case failed(error: Error, journey: Journey)
case received(MKDirections.ETAResponse)
case canceled
A dispatched LocalSearchAction
object initializes a map related search, which is conducted by AppleMapsMiddleware.localSearch
based on either a search query filtered by region and/or results types or a MKLocalSearchCompletion
object. The AppleMapsReducer.localSearch
object updates to current state with the resulting output of the middleware.
struct LocalSearchAction {
static let cancel: LocalSearchAction
static func search(for query: String, in region: MKCoordinateRegion?, resultTypes: MKLocalSearch.ResultType) -> LocalSearchAction
static func search(for completion: MKLocalSearchCompletion) -> LocalSearchAction
enum LocalSearchState {
case initial
case searching
case canceled
case received([MKMapItem])
case failed(Error)
The related AppleMapsMiddleware.localSearchCompleter
middleware provides completions for a query fragment received by an incoming LocalSearchCompleterAction
object. Before the middleware sends completions, it needs to be activated (or: initialized) with an action containing result types, an optional points of interest filter and a possible region to reduce the search spectrum.
struct LocalSearchCompleterAction {
static let cancel: LocalSearchCompleterAction
static func initilize(resultTypes: MKLocalSearchCompleter.ResultType, filter: MKPointOfInterestFilter?, region: MKCoordinateRegion?) -> LocalSearchCompleterAction
static func requestCompletionsFor(queryFragment: String) -> LocalSearchCompleterAction
enum LocalSearchCompleterState {
case initial
case initilized
case searching
case received([MKLocalSearchCompletion])
case failed(Error)
case canceled