THIS REPOSITORY WILL SOON BE ARCHIVED. Please refer to our Dropapp, boxwise-react, and boxwise-flask for its replacement.
Boxwise is an open-source web-app, which makes it easy for organisations to source, store and distribute donated goods to people in need in a fair and dignified way.
This is a new version of the original Drop App used by Drop In The Ocean. The original app was limited to just managing a single organization. This is a rewrite to support multiple organizations on a centrally hosted system.
Check out our webpage for more information!
We are always looking for help. Working on this project is an opportunity to use your skills to help thousands of refugees. Our contributing guide has more information.
Please also check out our Code of Conduct!
We have a Slack for discussing development and to get support. Join the #dev and #support channel.
We created a Boxwise dev-setup. It is based on a docker environment for development and production of odoo by Tecnativa. It should just be 5 commands and you are ready to go. You have to have docker and docker-compose installed for this dev-setup.
If Issue #15 is not yet closed then enable the check-boxes related to in the issue in the odoo frontend in the settings / user rights menu by hand.
If you need to print / download pdfs you have to change the system parameter web.base.url
. Docker is putting a network layer on top. Because of that odoo is assuming the wrong network address of itself and cannot find the pdf converter when you want to download reports. To solve this problem do the following:
9.1 Run the command (The command only works if the server is running and if you have not renamed the git repo of boxwise-doodba. In that case you have to adjust the name of the odoo docker container in the command.)
echo http://$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' boxwise-doodba_odoo_1):8069
9.2 Save the result in the system parameter `ẁeb.base.url` through the odoo interface. Therefore, go to the menu
Settings / Technical / Parameters / System Parameters
If you want to check out the boxwise frontend - the fancy designs and form - go to
If you want to see all the odoo bits - the odoo backend - go to
The debug tag opens odoo in developer mode.
If you want to check out the boxwise frontend - the fancy designs and form - go to
If you want to see all the odoo bits - the odoo backend - go to
We are using the open source ERP system odoo as the base for Boxwise.
First, here are some links about odoo itself:
- Dev doc:
- Dev doc about creating a module:
- Books:
- odoo github
- odoo code search to find all official modules
And the odoo community:
- OCA webpage
- OCA Contributing Guidelines
- OCA github
- OCA maintainer tools
- OCA maintainer tools wiki
- OCA module template
The odoo JS framework:
- Introduction video from odoo conference:
- JS Dev Doc:
- JS Command Index:
- JS Quick ref: