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provide.v :: 7 :: ramp wage computerise yield charge articulate nourish upholster fix match glut rail transistorise furnish crenel edge fire canal engage grate bewhisker cater dish interleave indulge arm sustain reflectorise capitalise alphabetize provision transistorize headquarter fulfil subtitle feed fill date sanitate gratify shelter offer pour fret kern help heat pump fulfill railroad scant computerize regale gutter dado hat qualify purvey serve accommodate equip theme joint ply cloy satisfy headline tool coal oversupply seat staff procure ready uniform calk berth extend cleat shower stock curtain skimp whisker glass border flood tube support stipulate surfeit wive board slat set stint key canalize machicolate causeway costume water signalize bush give patch leave corbel signalise rim pimp render outfit crenelate crenellate gate tap bottom horse terrace victual reflectorize copper-bottom step power drench bed leverage fund brattice index meet air-cool nurture supply hydrate allow glaze condition retrofit capitalize caption top constitutionalize specify fuel ticket terrasse prepare innervate air-condition rafter pander underlay cornice wharf partner canalise fit treat hobnail afford toggle
smell.v :: 4 :: stink whiff snuffle perceive reek snuff sense scent smack evoke comprehend salute nose sniff suggest wind
expect.v :: 6 :: deliver evaluate consider speculate view await carry birth assume require judge anticipate guess opine conjecture think see bear wait hypothesise presume believe hypothecate call look regard trust have gestate suppose theorise ask reckon demand hypothesize imagine theorize
rule.v :: 7 :: judge reign control overturn determine rein label predominate decide preponderate trammel outweigh bound govern outbalance throttle throne dictate limit override find misgovern overbalance harness overarch command dominate restrain decree accompany pronounce prevail overrule draw overthrow confine reverse restrict
performance.n :: 5 :: program improvisation presentation mechanics routine overachievement recital juggle juggling rendition premiere officiation bit action presentment accomplishment underachievement number trick extemporization pianism histrionics conjuration illusion execution process operation thaumaturgy mechanism legerdemain deception show theatrical magic programme functioning rendering representation benefit act demonstration extemporisation interpretation spectacular achievement encore turn concert
suspend.v :: 6 :: alter dangle table break shelve hang remit rusticate change interrupt freeze expel postpone defer debar prorogue modify resuspend
mean.v :: 6 :: imply aim specify cite colligate refer destine connect intend purport propose plan name get link relate mention purpose typify necessitate drive advert designate denote design associate convey signify symbolize import entail symbolise represent think spell
treat.v :: 8 :: nitrogenize remedy wine address mercerise bleed process cup Agenize handle run iodise bemock carbonate phlebotomise discourse discuss tank scald wrong psychoanalyze purge malt nitrogenise feast beneficiate negociate correct bituminize alcoholize reverberate leech analyze spoil deal nurse baby pack ammoniate aerate detox maltreat analyse give camphorate sulphur cover Agenise fumigate mock mollycoddle present disregard strong-arm irradiate cater brutalise cocker chrome snub transfuse ray dress ill-use cauterize touch refine fume mistreat cut creosote ply psychoanalyse air-condition iodize bituminise impact ignore fluoridise fluoridize dose hyperventilate broach initiate affect manipulate shock vet phlebotomize upstage cauterise indulge carboxylate brominate brutalize mercerize abuse regale nitrate pamper provide detoxify bromate dispense curry massage rough-house chlorinate sulfur relieve digest vulcanize respond propagate coddle vulcanise plow burn feed criminalize supply gift doctor seed fluoridate interact theologize react irrigate medicate oxygenize insufflate featherbed step oxygenise splint theologise medicine nitrify ill-treat oxygenate operate administer cosset
difference.n :: 5 :: otherness fluctuation dissimilarity variation discrepancy driftage dustup divergence tilt run-in flexion disagreement quarrel wrangle variance remainder contestation row distinction gap disceptation deviation variety variant conflict disputation arguing differentia differential words departure inequality dispute change number distinctness argument inflection contention unsimilarity balance collision controversy quality separateness flection
organization.n :: 7 :: systematisation unionisation pool reorganisation polity randomization administration disposal communization union activity officialdom collectivization ontology itemization machine design reorganization organisation deputation alinement bureaucracy association self-organization unit territorialisation system delegation beginning blue plan methodicalness not-for-profit quango distribution ordering territorialization management communisation itemisation brass commencement quasi-NGO party collectivisation host governance unionization shake-up grey shakeup randomisation alliance rationalisation formation mission hierarchy Curia adhocracy arrangement structure self-organisation fiefdom institution troupe contrivance systematization rationalization listing judiciary enterprise commission colonization constitution lattice personnel company defense nonprofit body Tammany brotherhood colonisation syndication start establishment federation orderliness calendar affiliate order executive force gray NGO delegacy defence bench coalition alignment settlement
party.n :: 5 :: sociable organisation litigator feast vouchee ceilidh tortfeasor intervenor someone mixer bun-fight shower Opposition affair smoker reception masquerade mask tort-feasor Dixiecrats Kuomintang company jolly litigant set lot reunion circle shindy assignor fete person wedding occasion organization housewarming function do bash fiesta soul somebody reversioner soiree Guomindang mortal bunfight social GOP dance Gironde masque individual assignee contractor brawl shindig band dinner
bank.n :: 9 :: riverside acquirer reserve container stockpile finances side depositary depository waterside riverbank deposit slope repository bluff backlog array ridge camber cant sandbank incline funds
interest.n :: 5 :: involvement grubstake reversion pursuit charisma shrillness by-line interestingness pastime portion percentage hobby benefit powerfulness color right part wonder fee sideline power news welfare concern recreation sake avocation equity diversion topicality curiosity vividness share enthusiasm stake behalf newsworthiness colour
watch.v :: 5 :: preview follow visualise rubberneck guard catch witness ascertain view visualize invigilate beware see determine proctor spectate test learn observe mind check
talk.v :: 6 :: vocalize gabble coquet deliver mutter tittle-tattle read break bark dissertate tone communicate discourse rap falter utter disclose rasp maunder yack intercommunicate sizz prophesy monologuize coquette shout pontificate present jabber siss verbalise prattle gulp enthuse palaver bay philander ejaculate rant orate unwrap soliloquize twaddle whiff modulate cackle lecture snivel slang sibilate stutter whisper dogmatise gibber tell mouth snarl teach hiss generalise mussitate generalize peep jaw tattle peach vocalise blabber flirt expose stammer smatter dogmatize speak mumble cheek snap murmur blab troll dally gossip spill phonate discover sing level soliloquise instruct verbalize reveal clack spiel intone divulge proceed romance continue butterfly blurt swallow whine blubber preach learn piffle bumble monologuise chatter spout drone slur begin chant mash inflect prate blunder babble converse rave
climb.v :: 6 :: gain pitch slope jump clamber shin move soar struggle ride bull incline mount uprise scramble sputter increase escalade arise advance grow wax ramp mountaineer shinny rise lift scale progress skin
simple.a :: 5 :: elementary childlike simple-minded unproblematic uncomplicated mere dim-witted round-eyed bare unsubdivided wide-eyed dewy-eyed
plan.n :: 3 :: organization layout outline project design pattern blueprint scheme idea schema thought system organisation snare regimen docket elevation schedule projection drawing arrangement guideline trap regime budget constellation agenda programme program configuration
image.n :: 9 :: range example persona representation visualisation metaphor transparency concentrate chiaroscuro god simile prosopopoeia appearance mortal effect ringer conceit cyclorama thought-image clone effigy foil panorama ikon zeugma iconography collage scarecrow epitome soul bitmap prototype hyperbole paradigm waxwork reflection icon model somebody oxymoron likeness personification simulacrum montage echogram idol visualization inset picture sonogram synecdoche double set scarer scan look-alike someone kenning diorama person bird-scarer trope imago figure irony graphic strawman metonymy semblance reflexion individual impression exaggeration Guy
operate.v :: 7 :: throw service flip fix maneuver ride pass relay desex unsex occur go control happen desexualise manoeuvre sterilize manipulate dial face-lift turn hap switch lift mesh work gate roll run direct sterilise trephine pilot pedal block serve treadle desexualize displace double fly lock aviate jockey venesect function engage cut synchronise financier submarine synchronize treat move drive manoeuver
atmosphere.n :: 6 :: miasma part weather cyclone gloom atm gloominess feel flavour feeling ambience tone murk spirit airspace s.t.p. miasm vibe look aura note conditions flavor vibration mystique smell gas murkiness region condition air status fogginess sky glumness ambiance quality STP anticyclone fog
note.v :: 3 :: comment mark tell observe state notice say remark mention
produce.v :: 7 :: expose carry prefabricate leaf regrow develop give grow burn fledge induce underproduce confect manufacture tailor-make output display raise bear make sporulate laminate change return customise extrude offer cultivate bootleg proof reproduce machine acquire lead keep print farm leave customize get cut pulse exhibit pupate spring pulsate have result redo induct feather generate teethe stool custom-make smelt dummy sprout elaborate birth breed render stock create refashion remake deliver preassemble pod tiller publish overproduce yield
different.a :: 1 :: dissimilar unlike
wash.v :: 13 :: moisten erode serve baste acid-wash remove displace cradle flow cleanse machine-wash elute wet stonewash scrub move pressure-wash pan stone-wash stand rinse moisturise hush clean suds fret be process withdraw whitewash moisturize lave powerwash hand-wash gargle separate cover water-wash humidify shampoo take handwash lap launder dampen
express.v :: 7 :: breathe measure menace connote realize pooh-pooh post cuss hurl vociferate clamor give blaspheme voice beam emphasise accentuate refer convey evince verbalize actualize actualise word vent articulate outcry represent drop communicate clamour smile emphasize send carry realise vote get imprecate extract throw cry substantiate sneer imply marvel utter tell quantify exclaim accent acquire shout evoke swear intercommunicate wish curse show say formulate punctuate phrase stress ream platitudinize state mail exude verbalise ventilate denote suggest raise
begin.v :: 8 :: jump-start auspicate bud erupt talk introduce verbalize achieve get utter embark be plunge originate speak recommence launch jumpstart mouth inaugurate verbalise move dawn commence enter attack fall reach accomplish attain act start
hear.v :: 5 :: focus get incline perceive receive find catch ascertain centre learn see center retry probe try pore discover rivet concentrate rehear overhear examine comprehend listen
receive.v :: 13 :: reckon change acquire perceive have partake invite convert meet recognize graduate get sustain celebrate see comprehend experience accept regard undergo fete encounter recognise take find assume consider horripilate inherit suffer hear incur absorb fence hustle greet welcome obtain view touch induct
use.v :: 6 :: act extend put overdrive ply drink utilise practice squander blow share play consume have cannibalise tap assign resort employ overuse misuse tope commit board utilize take strain trespass exercise give avail dedicate exploit abuse follow expend implement address move waste occupy pervert devote recycle consecrate cannibalize exert work reuse enjoy spare misapply ingest apply reprocess habituate recur
play.v :: 34 :: foul putt modulate fullback pitch bandy recapitulate dabble encounter work hit frolic symphonise do promote accompany dally sham croquet slur discharge perform run romp teetertotter retire develop travel prelude emote skylark punt die harp toy manipulate ham catch underact flirt displace deal vie bid paddle compete stake game cricket bet tucker quarterback cover face misplay underplay mime reprise disport raise back pantomime fool see roughhouse go cavort portray replay backstop represent drum tweedle lark follow reprize parody unblock rag roleplay debut bring swing fiddle confront re-create complete support use walk overact spiel exploit pretend pipe exhaust declare rollick feign gambol symphonize curl utilise reenact stooge utilize contend wreak clarion overplay trifle bugle cradle gamble behave assume playact consider frisk impersonate create revoke hook golf repeat teeter-totter busk tongue act fumble ace enact call gage start beat recreate sport wager chord snooker make exit locomote take nail volley move seesaw simulate diddle register bow sound deploy meet apply employ riff jazz trumpet bowl skirl field
miss.v :: 8 :: miscarry jump regret lose overleap overshoot cut want undershoot exclude omit forget desire lack drop neglect pretermit avoid skip overlook escape fail
shelter.n :: 5 :: haven birdhouse housing mantlet radioprotection sconce step-down decrease protection roost loft doghouse camp structure cote indemnity kennel construction lodging security shack hut hutch lean-to hovel shanty canopy asylum reduction insurance tent sanctuary oasis cookhouse mantelet diminution dugout refuge
judgment.n :: 7 :: reversal determination disapproval estimation dismissal instrument evaluation rating thought prejudgment judiciousness gumption assessment conclusion prejudgement act justice arbitrement mind decision sense eye finding sagacity persuasion dictum sagaciousness discretion opinion wisdom deed judging objectivity arbitrament discernment circumspection injudiciousness deciding prudence objectiveness sapience discreetness sentiment estimate judgement view fatwah indiscreetness perspicacity ruling subjectiveness arbitration affirmation adjudication trait subjectivity
win.v :: 4 :: romp run attain take pass accomplish tally nail prevail negociate sweep get clear score succeed hit act peg manage reach triumph carry advance steal achieve arrive cozen gain acquire work
source.n :: 9 :: cradle papers squealer installation generator derivation reference fountainhead taproot seed well facility trailhead publication author wellspring activity point head shaper Golconda headwater germ rootage whistleblower informer action headspring provenance inspiration maker communicator wellhead rat thing birthplace goldmine whistle-blower home blabber provenience informant leaker reservoir root muse document beginning origin spring betrayer coiner
paper.n :: 7 :: tissue article paper-mache crepe papyrus theme manila chad sheet manilla production newsprint tabloid linen carbon flypaper publisher pad report press newspaper material essay confetti parchment papier-mache cardboard card gazette daily product tablet oilpaper medium stuff blotter manifold wallpaper composition rag
eat.v :: 6 :: peck feast picnic pick banquet guttle indulge snack take dunk fress gormandize engorge satiate overindulge slurp crop corrode drop overgorge gourmandize dine luxuriate down consume nibble tire breakfast sap expend drain burn gluttonize ingurgitate browse fill rust ingest range overeat dip devour spend vex pasture worry stuff binge finish raven bolt exhaust gluttonise have ruminate deplete wolf glut gobble lunch graze junket piece nosh pig damage gormandise fare feed mess gorge suckle forage englut brunch victual
degree.n :: 7 :: plane arcdegree acme immoderation grade ladder moderation grind honour level property peak highness climax intensiveness lowness depth pinnacle point meridian associate extreme immoderateness quickening height doctorate power SPF ultimacy low intensity F ultimateness accolade summit laurels honours elevation baccalaureate high resultant moderateness calibre quality extent magnitude tiptop superlative top honor stage exponent award C state caliber index
write.v :: 9 :: profile handwrite line lyric draft save cite make issue delineate draw capitalise superscribe stenograph intercommunicate copy harmonize cross scribble paragraph dramatize compose rewrite annotate outline adopt pen describe record hyphenate communicate subscribe apostrophise capitalize sign melodise cut overwrite jot poetize harmonise score scrabble spell tape instrumentate instrument author versify reference calligraph poetise melodize counterpoint indite scrawl typewrite impress verse set script trace style create letter footnote apostrophize type print correspond arrange dramatise publish dot hyphen