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Security: bpmnServer/docs




In general Application Security deals with the following topics:

User Identification and Authentication

BPMNServer does not provide user identification and authentication component, but relies on the calling application to authenticate the user. The companion package BPMN-web provides full authentication and identification as a mere demo.

Web App example/ Server Side Scripts

    const user1 =new SecureUser({ userName: 'user1', userGroups: ['Owner', 'Others']});

    await api.engine.start(modelName,data,{},user1,options);  


Since WebAPP is already authenticated by **APIKey** is trusted to pass user object
    // get api-key from header
    // url/engine/start

    await api.engine.start(processName,data,user,options);  

Using BPMNClient as a service

    const client= new BPMNClient(url,apiKey);
    // userId is passed here bypassing authentication, assuming user is already authenticated
    // await server.engine.start(processName,data,startNode,userId,options);  
    let response = await server.engine.start('Buy Used Car', { caseId: 1050 },null,'user1');

    //await  server.engine.invoke(query, data, userId);

    response = await server.engine.invoke({id: , "items.elementId": 'task_Buy' },{},'user1');

Access Control Rules

bpmn along with Camunda Extensions, provide adequate means of defining access Rules:

Task Assignment

The following properties can be defined for each User Task

Property Description
assignee defines the userName to perform the task
candidateUser defines potential users that can perform the task
candidateGroups defines potential userGroups whose members can perform the task
dueDate Date the task is due
followUpDAte Date to followup
priority Task periority

Values provided in the model editor, can be static string or an Model Expressions

Process Initiator

You can define the variable name for the instance initiator

BPMN Editor Initiator

This will assign the userId of that started the process


Pool as a role

BPMNServer allows you to define pools and using the pool name as userGroup

BPMN Editor

BPMN Editor Assignee

At the start of the userTask the designer values are evaluated into the instance item.

These fields can accept the following:

  • A string value

  • JavaScript expression $(

  • JavaScript Async function call $(return services.getSupervisorUser(


For example: variable data.dueDate is copied into item.dueDate

Manual Assignment

An application can prove a UI to allow users to assign tasks to others, this can be done throught the 'assign' method:

    const assignment = {assignee: 'user3', candidateUsers: ['user4','user5'],dueDate: new Date()};
    const newData={var1:650};

    response = await server.engine.assign({id: , "items.elementId": 'task_Buy' },newData,userId,assignment);

Access Control Enforcement

Security Rules:

To enable security Rules, you have to edit `.env'


Security Rules are by-passed if

-a. User is and Admin or System

-b. .env REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION === 'false' || process.env.ENFORCE_SECURITY

User can View/Assign Item if:

-1. Item has no restrictions if (Assignee==null and CandidateUsers == null and CandidateGroups==null)

-2. User has a group indicated in item.CandidateGroups

User can Execute Item if:

-1. User is the Assignee


-1. User is Assignee

-- Can Invoke/Complete Task

-- Can Assign to another User

-2. User is not Assignee but Can View (see rules above)

-- Can Assign Task to either another user or self (Take Task)

-- Then User can Invoke Task

Searching for Assignment Data provides a method that User Task that a User has access to.

Alternativly, to search for specific items for a particular user or group:

    var res = await server.dataStore.findItems(
            "items.status": "wait", "items.elementId": "task_Buy",
            "$or": [


The above will return all items Buy Tasks in wait state assigned to 'user5' or 'group1' or 'group2'

If you have selected to enforce Security Rules, the above will by automatically done for you.

-- check following if covered here

Demo Application Authentication and Security

Default installation, disables User Authentication and Security Rules To enable them, edit the .env file

# -- Security Setting
# if true, would direct users to login page, requires registration
# valid values:	true	flase
# set to false if you just want to run in DEV environment



Handling Access Control

Here is a typical flow of a Process:

  1. User1 will Start Process Request Vacation
  2. System will store the initiator as'User1'
  3. Since Task Request has only User1 can invoke this task
  4. Once Task Request is completed by User1 , Task Approve will be created.
  5. Task Approve Need to be assigned to the requester supervisor A Javascript event trigger on `start' will determine the supervisor userName and assign it the task
Assuming appServices class contain such an async method that my call MongoDB
Alternatively; in the model editor 
    `assignee` field `$(appServices.getSupervisor(`
  1. To Notify the supervisor user, a JS trigger will invoke notify function

Filtering data for Security:

    let pending = await{ "items.status": 'wait', "items.type": 'bpmn:UserTask' }, user); 


    let pending = await{}, user); 

will return all pending tasks that the user is AUTHORIZED TO SEE To See only Tasks Assigned to User

    let pending = await{'items.assignee':user.userName},user); 

or you can use filter for the items to check item.assignee

There aren’t any published security advisories