Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree program
Brendon Smith (br3ndonland)
- Concepts
- 01. Intro to the Shell
- 02. Windows: Installing Git Bash
- 03. Opening a terminal
- 04. Your first command (echo)
- 05. Navigating directories (ls, cd, ..)
- 06. Current working directory (pwd)
- 07. Parameters and options (ls -l)
- 08. Organizing your files (mkdir, mv)
- 09. Downloading (curl)
- 10. Viewing files (cat, less)
- 11. Removing things (rm, rmdir)
- 12. Searching and pipes (grep, wc)
- 13. Shell and environment variables
- 14. Startup files (.bash_profile)
- 15. Controlling the shell prompt ($PS1)
- 16. Aliases
- 17. Keep learning!