Winners of the Hackathon , I got 1st Rank
Public surfaces are a possible way for the transmission of COVID-19. NIT Warangal administration has decided to minimize the spread of COVID-19 to ensure the safety of its residents. Elevator switches are public surfaces. So the admin wants to implement a deep learning model for elevators on the campus. The goal is to determine the destination floor of a person standing inside the elevator using hand signs. Accuracy of the model should be at least 90%.
- Original dataset
- 10 classes, for 10 unique hand signs.
- Image size: 100x100
- Color space: RGB
Applied data preprocessing
- Reshaped to 64x64
- From RGB to 1 channel grayscale
- Normalization range: -1 to 1
Applied data augmentation
- Random horizontal flip (as the hand could be right or left)
- -20 to 20 degrees random rotation with bicubic resample
- Filling with 0.85 * mean of the image (to prevent strong dark background after the random rotation)
Training and Validation data split
- About 20% of the data is used for validation.
- For each class in validation, there's total 40 images.
- So in total I've used 400 images for validation.
- And the remaining 1,662 images for training.
Training data after preprocessing and augmentation
I've followed simple DenseNet architecture, and replaced ReLU to LeakyReLU with alpha of 0.2
Here's the model summary:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
Conv2d-1 [-1, 64, 32, 32] 3,200
BatchNorm2d-2 [-1, 64, 32, 32] 128
LeakyReLU-3 [-1, 64, 32, 32] 0
MaxPool2d-4 [-1, 64, 16, 16] 0
BatchNorm2d-5 [-1, 64, 16, 16] 128
LeakyReLU-6 [-1, 64, 16, 16] 0
Conv2d-7 [-1, 32, 16, 16] 18,464
BatchNorm2d-8 [-1, 96, 16, 16] 192
LeakyReLU-9 [-1, 96, 16, 16] 0
Conv2d-10 [-1, 32, 16, 16] 27,680
BatchNorm2d-11 [-1, 128, 16, 16] 256
LeakyReLU-12 [-1, 128, 16, 16] 0
Conv2d-13 [-1, 32, 16, 16] 36,896
BatchNorm2d-14 [-1, 160, 16, 16] 320
LeakyReLU-15 [-1, 160, 16, 16] 0
Conv2d-16 [-1, 32, 16, 16] 46,112
DenseBlock-17 [-1, 192, 16, 16] 0
BatchNorm2d-18 [-1, 192, 16, 16] 384
LeakyReLU-19 [-1, 192, 16, 16] 0
Conv2d-20 [-1, 96, 16, 16] 18,528
AvgPool2d-21 [-1, 96, 8, 8] 0
BatchNorm2d-22 [-1, 96, 8, 8] 192
LeakyReLU-23 [-1, 96, 8, 8] 0
Conv2d-24 [-1, 32, 8, 8] 27,680
BatchNorm2d-25 [-1, 128, 8, 8] 256
LeakyReLU-26 [-1, 128, 8, 8] 0
Conv2d-27 [-1, 32, 8, 8] 36,896
BatchNorm2d-28 [-1, 160, 8, 8] 320
LeakyReLU-29 [-1, 160, 8, 8] 0
Conv2d-30 [-1, 32, 8, 8] 46,112
BatchNorm2d-31 [-1, 192, 8, 8] 384
LeakyReLU-32 [-1, 192, 8, 8] 0
Conv2d-33 [-1, 32, 8, 8] 55,328
DenseBlock-34 [-1, 224, 8, 8] 0
BatchNorm2d-35 [-1, 224, 8, 8] 448
LeakyReLU-36 [-1, 224, 8, 8] 0
Conv2d-37 [-1, 112, 8, 8] 25,200
AvgPool2d-38 [-1, 112, 4, 4] 0
BatchNorm2d-39 [-1, 112, 4, 4] 224
LeakyReLU-40 [-1, 112, 4, 4] 0
Conv2d-41 [-1, 32, 4, 4] 32,288
BatchNorm2d-42 [-1, 144, 4, 4] 288
LeakyReLU-43 [-1, 144, 4, 4] 0
Conv2d-44 [-1, 32, 4, 4] 41,504
BatchNorm2d-45 [-1, 176, 4, 4] 352
LeakyReLU-46 [-1, 176, 4, 4] 0
Conv2d-47 [-1, 32, 4, 4] 50,720
BatchNorm2d-48 [-1, 208, 4, 4] 416
LeakyReLU-49 [-1, 208, 4, 4] 0
Conv2d-50 [-1, 32, 4, 4] 59,936
DenseBlock-51 [-1, 240, 4, 4] 0
BatchNorm2d-52 [-1, 240, 4, 4] 480
LeakyReLU-53 [-1, 240, 4, 4] 0
Conv2d-54 [-1, 120, 4, 4] 28,920
AvgPool2d-55 [-1, 120, 2, 2] 0
BatchNorm2d-56 [-1, 120, 2, 2] 240
LeakyReLU-57 [-1, 120, 2, 2] 0
Conv2d-58 [-1, 32, 2, 2] 34,592
BatchNorm2d-59 [-1, 152, 2, 2] 304
LeakyReLU-60 [-1, 152, 2, 2] 0
Conv2d-61 [-1, 32, 2, 2] 43,808
BatchNorm2d-62 [-1, 184, 2, 2] 368
LeakyReLU-63 [-1, 184, 2, 2] 0
Conv2d-64 [-1, 32, 2, 2] 53,024
BatchNorm2d-65 [-1, 216, 2, 2] 432
LeakyReLU-66 [-1, 216, 2, 2] 0
Conv2d-67 [-1, 32, 2, 2] 62,240
DenseBlock-68 [-1, 248, 2, 2] 0
BatchNorm2d-69 [-1, 248, 2, 2] 496
LeakyReLU-70 [-1, 248, 2, 2] 0
AdaptiveMaxPool2d-71 [-1, 248, 1, 1] 0
Flatten-72 [-1, 248] 0
Linear-73 [-1, 10] 2,490
Total params: 758,226
Trainable params: 758,226
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.02
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 6.36
Params size (MB): 2.89
Estimated Total Size (MB): 9.26
- And here's the model visualization:
pip install torch==1.5.1+cu101 torchvision==0.6.1+cu101 -f
- Replace
with your cuda version.
Pytorch Summary:
pip install torchsummary
pip install tqdm
pip install Pillow
Training Accuracy : 99.819712
Validation Accuracy : 99.609375
Validation F1 Score : 0.9989696
Training Loss vs Epoch :-
- Training Accuracy vs Validation Accuracy :-
- Per Class Accuracy for Validation:-
- Confusion Matrix for Validation:-
So in validation (out of 400 images), only two images are predicted incorrectly, impressive!
Replace the test_root
variable value to the test data directory.