Tried to run on Linux. Unity installs, but the ecosystem around Unity and Meta Quest seems very Windows-focused. Therefore focusing on Windows to avoid any unexpected issues.
- Install UnityHub (here).
- Install the latest Unity editor (not LTS). Add-ons: VisualStudio, Android SDK (all), Windows SDK
- Configure Unity settings
- Add any Meta quest integration packages (not yet sure if any are needed)
Must use Unity 2021.3.14f1.
To be able to communicate with Redis from Unity check this website.
Install Redis following this instructions
To start a redis server:
sudo service redis-server start
If you don't have python, we recommand to install it using conda. Conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Conda quickly installs, runs, and updates packages and their dependencies. Conda easily creates, saves, loads, and switches between environments on your local computer.
For a quick and light installation, We recommand to use miniconda a free minimal installer for conda.
Select the version corresponding to your operating system and download and install it.
[Windows user]
Once completed, you should have access to a new shell named
Anaconda Prompt
on your computer. Next instructions assume that your are using this shell.
[MacOS/Linux user]
Use your usual terminal (bash).
Launch your terminal and create a new python environment using the conda create
conda create -n bh_eeg_vr python=3.9
Here we specify the name of the new environment bh_eeg_vr
and the python version 3.9
Anaconda will ask you if you are sure you can to create this new environment
Proceed ([y]/n)?
Press y (yes) then Enter to accept
Activate the new environment using:
conda activate bh_eeg_vr
Notice that the current environment is displayed at the beginning of your shell:
(bh_eeg_vr) C:\Users\user_name>
Install the required python packages:
to use jupyter notebook interface:pip install notebook
the main python EEG librairy.pip install mne
a 2D backend for plotting MNE data.pip install PyQt5 mne-qt-browser
library to work with dataframespip install pandas
library to communicatr with redis databases:pip install redis
Each time you want to use the environment, you need to activate it using:
conda activate bh_eeg_vr
Then start the jupyter server:
jupyter notebook
Using Redis with Python:
import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
r.set('foo', 'bar') # set key 'foo' to value 'bar
r.get('foo') # get value of key 'foo'