febs db库用于连接数据库,目前仅支持mysql
febs-db是在citong-db@1.5.3基础上进行开发, citong-db库已停止更新
Use npm to install:
npm install febs-db --save
febs-db是一个orm库, 3个主要的类为:
: 代表一个数据库; 可以用于创建新的数据库连接对象database-connection
: 代表一个数据库表; 针对表的操作在这个对象中完成
: 表示一个连接对象, 在执行事务操作时, 需要使用database来向连接池中获取一个连接来进行.
// @desc: 数据查询条件错误。参数语句问题.
// @desc: 数据连接问题.
// @desc: 数据执行错误.
* @desc: 构造异常对象.
* @param msg: 异常消息
* @param code: 异常代码
* @param filename: 异常文件名
* @param line: 异常文件所在行
* @return:
exception(msg, code, filename, line)
var exception = require('.').exception;
try {
yield db.queryById(...);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof exception) {
// e.code == exception.DB_ERROR_SQL, 查询语句错误.
} else {
throw e;
操作一个数据表之前, 需要先对表结构进行定义, 与数据不匹配的定义在执行数据操作时会报错. 数据列可以仅列出需要操作的列.
var table = require('.').table;
class TableDemo extends table {
constructor(db) {
db, // database
'User', // table name.
'ID', // primary key.
{ // cols.
ID: {type: 'integer', size: 8, key: true}, // the auto-incrementing
Name: {type: 'text', size:10},
NumberCol:{type: 'number', size: 4},
IntCol: {type: 'integer', size: 4},
IntCol: {type: 'integer', size: 8}, // big int.
BoolCol: {type: 'boolean'}
var database = require('febs-db').database;
var db = new database({});
var tableDemo = new TableDemo(db);
var table = require('.').table;
class TableDemo extends table {
constructor(dbclient) {
dbclient, // database
'Admin', // table name.
['ID', 'IntCol'], // primary keys.
{ // cols.
ID: {type: 'integer', size: 8, key: true}, // the auto-incrementing
Name: {type: 'text', size:10},
NumberCol:{type: 'number', size: 4},
IntCol: {type: 'integer', size: 4},
IntCol: {type: 'integer', size: 8}, // big int.
BoolCol: {type: 'boolean'}
mysql: see mysql pool-options.
var database = require('febs-db').database;
var opt = {
waitForConnections: true,
connectTimeout : 5000,
acquireTimeout : 5000,
queueLimit : 20,
connectionLimit : 10,
supportBigNumbers : true,
bigNumberStrings : false, // number -> string only when number overflow in js.
host : '',
port : 3306,
user : '',
password : '',
database : '',
/* ext */
queryTimeout : 5000,
var db = new database('mysql', opt);
var table = new TableDemo(db);
数据操作方法都存在同步方式和异步方式, 例如: table.isExist()
和 table.isExistSync()
let r;
// async.
r = yield table.isExist(1);
r = yield table.isExist({ID:1,Name:'xxx'}); // combined primary key.
r = yield table.isExistWhere("id=43");
// sync.
r = yield table.isExistSync(1, (err, r)=>{});
r = yield table.isExistWhereSync("id=43", (err, r)=>{});
let r;
// 通过主键查询.
r = yield table.queryById(1);
r = yield table.queryById(1, ['ID','Name']); // only query 'ID','Name' cols.
r = yield table.queryById({ID:1,IntCol:1}, ['ID','Name']); // if combined primary key.
// top.
r = yield table.queryTop("id = 43");
r = yield table.queryTop("id = 43", ['ID','Name']); // only query 'ID','Name' cols.
// 条件查询. 使用make_condition_xxx 方法构造条件, 能够自动检查数值类型.
let where = '';
where += table.make_condition('id', 43); // == " `id`=43 ".
where += 'AND';
where += table.make_condition_like('name', '%dfdfd%'); // == " `name` LIKE '%dfdfd%' ".
r = yield table.queryTop(where);
r = yield table.queryWhere(where, [0, 100], {ID:true}); // where id = 43 limit 0,100 order by id asc.
r = yield table.queryWhere(where, ['ID', 'Name']); // only query 'ID','Name' cols.
r = yield table.queryWhere(where, [0, 100], ['ID', 'Name']); // only query 'ID','Name' cols. limit 0,100
r = yield table.queryWhere(where, {ID:true}, ['ID', 'Name']); // only query 'ID','Name' cols. orderby ID
r = yield table.queryWhere(where, ['COUNT(ID) as x']);
锁行方式查询, 只能在事务中使用此方式. 在事务结束或update之后自动解锁.
// 获取一个新连接用于事务执行.
var conn = yield db.getConnection();
if (conn)
// 执行事务
return yield conn.transaction(function*(){
// lock row id = 1, and unlock after update or exit transaction.
let r;
r = yield table.queryLockRow(1, conn);
// or.
r = yield table.queryLockRow(1, ['col1','col2'], conn);
return false; // will rollback.
return true; // will commit.
let r;
let where = table.make_condition('id', 43); // == " `id`=43 ".
r = yield table.count(where);
var r = yield table.add({ID:8,...});
更新方法需传入一个对象, 其中必须附带主键
, 执行后将更新其他在参数中的其他数据.
var mod = {
ID: 1,
name: "name",
intCol: table.make_update_inc(1),
var r = yield table.update(mod); // ID=1,name="name",intCol=intCol+1,intCol2=intCol2+1
var r = yield table.remove(where);
- 执行事务需要一个独立的连接对象
, 事务完成后连接对象将重新被插入到连接池中. - 事务处理函数中, 所有的事务数据库操作方法都必须在最后带上这个
- 事务处理函数中, 返回
, 返回true
- 若发生异常, 事务将自动
. - *事务嵌套调用未处理, 将在下一版本添加
// 获取一个新的连接用于事务执行.
var conn = yield db.getConnection();
if (conn)
// 执行事务, 错误将返回false;
return yield conn.transaction(function*(){
// attach conn.
console.log((yield table.add(mod, conn)));
mod.id = 1;
mod.name = 'a1';
console.log((yield table.update(mod, conn)));
return false; // will rollback.
return true; // will commit.
* 构造
constructor(dbtype, opt)
- dbtype: 数据库类型, 目前仅能为
- opt: 连接参数
mysql: see mysql pool-options.
var opt = {
waitForConnections: true,
connectTimeout : 5000,
acquireTimeout : 5000,
queueLimit : 20,
connectionLimit : 10,
supportBigNumbers : true,
bigNumberStrings : false, // number -> string only when number overflow in js.
host : '',
port : 3306,
user : '',
password : '',
database : '',
/* ext */
queryTimeout : 5000,
* @desc: 执行sql语句.
* @param values: 传递的参数.
* @return: 错误返回false. 正确返回结果.
*query(sql, values, conn)
* @param cb: cb(err, ret) {}
* @param values: 传递的参数.
* @return: void
querySync( sql, value, cb, conn )
* @desc: get the connection for transaction.
* @return: database_connection.
*getConnection() // * 表明此方法是一个异步方法
所有的数据库查询方法都存在相应的同步调用方式, 如: queryWhereSync();
- constructor
- getConnection
- isExist
- isExistWhere
- count
- add
- remove
- update
- queryById
- queryLockRow
- queryTop
- queryWhere
- get_conn
- escape
- make_condition
- make_condition_not_equal
- make_condition_more
- make_condition_more_equal
- make_condition_less_equal
- make_condition_less
- make_condition_like
- make_update_inc
- make_origin_sql
* @param db: 数据库对象.
* @param tablename: 本表名.
* @param idKeyName: 本表主键列表, 如果为单主键可以直接为字符串, 如果为联合多主键则需要为数组.
* @param model: 本表模型.
*constructor(db, tablename, idKeyName, model)
colName: {type
: 'integer',size
: 8,key
: true}, // the auto-incrementing
: 表示列名称 -
: 表示列类型类型 说明 size 'integer' 整型 指明字节长度 'text' 字符串 指明字符长度 'number' 浮点型 指明字节长度 'boolean' 布尔型 无意义 -
: 字段长度(字节长度), 例如: bigint 长度为8, int长度为4. -
: 是否是自增键; (同一个表只能有一个自增键, 当指定多个自增键时, 只认为最后一个为自增)
* @desc: get a new connection for transaction.
* @return: database_connection.
*getConnection() // * 表明此方法是一个异步方法
* @desc: isExist
* id is Object if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @return: boolean.
*isExist( id )
* @desc: isExist
* id is Object if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param id, cb
* - cb: function(err, r:boolean) {}
isExistSync( id, cb )
* @desc: isExitWhere
* the last param can be conn.
* @return: boolean.
*isExistWhere( where )
* @desc: isExitWhere
* the last param can be conn.
* @param where, cb
* - cb: function(err, r:boolrean) {}
* @desc: count
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where
* @return: int.
* @desc: count
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where, cb
* - cb: function(err, ret:int) {}
* @desc: add
* the last param can be conn.
* (insertId will set to item.id)
* @return: bool
*add( item )
* @param cb: cb(err, r:boolean) {}
* @return: void
addSync( item, cb )
* @desc: remove
* the last param can be conn.
* @return: bool.
*remove( where )
* @param cb: cb(err, r:boolean) {}
* @return:.
removeSync( where, cb )
* @desc: update; where id = item.id
* if item.id is existed, sql condition is: 'id=value' AND (where)
* otherwise sql condition is: where
* the last param can be conn.
* @param item, where.
* @return: boolean.
*update( item )
* @desc: update; where id = item.id
* if item.id is existed, sql condition is: 'id=value' AND (where)
* otherwise sql condition is: where
* the last param can be conn.
* @param item, where, cb.
* - cb: function(err, r:boolrean) {}
* @return:.
updateSync( item )
* @desc: query by id.
* id is Object if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: id, [query_cols]
* query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* @return: mod.
*queryById( id )
* @desc: query by id.
* id is Array if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: id, [query_cols], cb
* - query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* - cb: function(err, ret:mod) {}
queryByIdSync( id )
* @desc: query by id and lock row for update (use in transaction).
* id is Object if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: id, [query_cols]
* query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* @return: mod.
*queryLockRow( id )
* @desc: query by id and lock row for update (use in transaction).
* id is Object if table is combined primary.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: id, [query_cols], cb
* - query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* - cb: function(err, ret:mod) {}
* @return: mod.
queryLockRowSync( id )
* @desc: query top.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where, {orderby}, [query_cols]
* orderby: {key:true/false} true-means asc, false-means desc.
* query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* @return: mod.
*queryTop( where )
* @desc: query top.
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where, {orderby}, [query_cols], cb
* - orderby: {key:true/false} true-means asc, false-means desc.
* - query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query.
* - cb: function(err, ret:mod) {}
queryTopSync( where )
* @desc: query
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where, [offset,limit], {orderby}, [query_cols]
* - orderby: {key:true/false} true means asc, false means desc.
* - query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query. e.g. ['id', 'name']
* @return: [mod,mod,...].
*queryWhere( where )
* @desc: query
* the last param can be conn.
* @param: where, [offset,limit], {orderby}, [query_cols]
* - orderby: {key:true/false} true means asc, false means desc.
* - query_cols: [col1,col2], the cols will be query. e.g. ['id', 'name']
* -cb: function(err, ret:Array) {}
queryWhereSync( where )
* @desc: 获得最后一个参数,如果为 database_connection则返回.否则返回null.
* @return:
* @desc: escape
* @return: str.
escape( v )
* @desc: 构造一个 key=value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key<>value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_not_equal( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key>value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_more( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key>=value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_more_equal( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key<=value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_less_equal( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key<value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_less( key, value )
* @desc: 构造一个 key LIKE value的sql条件语句.
* @return: sql;
make_condition_like( key, value )
* @desc: 用于表示update时字段自增n.
make_update_inc( n );
// 例如对value字段自增1:
yield table.update({ ID:1, value: table.make_update_inc(1) });
* @desc: 用于表明使用原始v, 不做安全检验.
make_origin_sql( v )