Backend of QAShot microsite
- Refactor
to use migrations, too.
cp .env.example .env
- Edit
as needed
- Edit
- Set up the database
- Create the database
- Note: This is handled by the bitnami postgres images.
- Initialize migrations
docker-compose exec web sh -c "sequelize db:migrate:schema:timestamps:add && sequelize db:migrate"
- Create the database
Enter the container of the given service
- E.g
docker-compose exec web
- E.g
Run the required command
- E.g
sequelize migration:generate
- E.g
If your changes affect the model, alter it manually
- E.g adding a new column to a table via migrations has to be reflected in the model of the table. This (sadly) is not automatic.
Build new images locally
Test with the prod commands
If it's OK push the new image to docker hub
- Update the .env file (if needed)
- Pull images on the target instance
- Run db migrations