Releases: brandoshizzle/Flask
Releases · brandoshizzle/Flask
The big one! This is a release candidate, meaning it is final barring any big bug fixes.
- Tutorial to take you through the basic features
- Save and load shows
- Select and edit multiple keys at once
- Waveform start and end time handles! - no Ctrl or Cmd required
- Separate playlist and pages fade times
- Autoplay switch for playlist
- Shuffle playlist
- Splash screen
- Edit icon next to sound/page names
- Import REACTion and Flask v0.X.X projects
- Flask Pro active for imported legacy projects
- 14-day free trial of Flask Pro
- Pro and free versions - free version limits pages and playlist
- Panic switch now has confirmation (double tap)
- Color picker in sound settings
- Fade in time now dropdown - much more intuitive
- Main settings redesigned
- Ctrl/Cmd + P opens the settings
- Ctrl/Cmd + S tells you that Flask is always saving
- Visual updates
- Updated to Electron v4.1.4
- Updated Sortable JS to v1.8.4
- Updated Materialize to v1.0.0
- Next playlist waveform doesn't load if another sound is playing
- Cutting or deleting a sound stops it from playing
- Links all open in default OS browser
- Panic switch (Global stop) by pressing ESCAPE
- Solo sound options - choose to auto-stop playing sounds when a new sound starts
- Volume control sound in sound settings
- Double-click volume bar to reset to 100%
- Show changelog on first time after update
- Fixed issue with playlist not switching song after fade out
- Fixed issue with loaded bar not hiding when errors loading songs
- Removed missed restricted characters from song ids
- General refactoring and cleaning of code
- Name (Wowee!)
- Misc fonts/logos related to new name
- JEditable updated to v2.02
- Removed dragging of keys
- Enlarged the playlist box vertically
- Upgraded to Interact.js v1.3.3
- Upgraded Howler.js to v2.0.10
- Updated npm package dependencies
- Playlist: Dropdown on playlist header to access action items
- Playlist: Can set initial order via playlist dropdown
- Playlist: Can reset to initial order via dropdown
- Playlist: Empty Playlist now has confirmation dialogue
- Fade times now work properly with 0 seconds
- Playlist settings no longer stored after dragging/drop sounds within playlist
- Reduced playlist animation time to improve performance
- Settings menu: Visual redesign
- Settings menu: Saves when exiting (no need to save explicitly anymore)
- Updated Sortable.js to v1.5.1
- Sound Settings: Set/remove 'Played' status
- General Settings: Mark sounds as played (or not)
- Pages: Page names and page fade in/out times by right/ctrl-clicking on tab
- Pages: Scroll on page tabs to get overflow pages
- Menu: Tutorial option that links to YouTube video
- Sound settings "cannot read proprty 'name' of undefined" error
- Deleting sound "cannot read property '0' of undefined" error
- Deleting sound removes playing and soundNotLoaded classes
- Waveform shows playhead at proper location after loading waveform
[0.3.2] - 2017-04-22
- Playlist: Space key doesn't create error when no sounds in playlist
- Playlist: Sounds dragged out of top spot no longer stay yellow
- Playlist: Search doc error fixed
- Opening sound options no longer loads the waveform
- Playlist: new sounds are added above already played sounds
- Playlist: When loading multiple sounds, waveform of first sound shows
- Keyboard: When loading multiple sounds, waveform of first sound shows
- OS X build
- Updated interact.js to v1.2.8 (solved darwin issues)
- Backspace also deletes keys (solved darwin issues)
- Removed error when clicking on key with no sound
- Loading bar is removed if 0 sounds
- Copy/paste on darwin
- Temp fix for random waveformedInfo seek error after ctrl/cmd+X
- Pasting a song removes 'played' status
- Pause/stop option in General Settings
- Global Fade in and Fade out times
- Pressing 'ENTER' in playlist search un-focuses it
- Double click on waveform to play sound from that spot
- COPY/CUT/PASTE shortcuts to move keys around keyboards/pages
- Import multiple sounds at a time
- Mac build scripts
- Icons/background for Mac builds
- Page names have associated hotkey in name
- Sound resets after changing waveform region
- License in "About" to Apache 2.0
- Order of menu items
- Sounds now "pause" by default (not stop)
- Minor color/visual fixes
- Removed start/end from sound settings
- Can select unloaded keys
- Cannot launch sounds when holding CONTROL
- howls are not saved in json - fixed click-key-before-anything-else tracking weirdness (was because playState wasn't always null on launch)
- Switched to Howler.js for sound engine
- Removed looping, for now
- Added text-shadow to emphasize key text
- Updated Materialize to v0.98.1
- Updated jQuery to v3.2.1
- Updated Wavesurfer to v1.3.7
- Updated Electron to 1.6.4
- Settings now saving properly
- Sounds are marked as played when they end
- Playlist selects first sound after last one stops
- Empty playlist creates empty object and saves it to the json
- Can have periods and square brackets in sound names
- Sounds that don't load are correctly styled
- Deleting a song no longer breaks waveform sound name
- Deleting a song removed played class on key
- Empty playlist search error fixed
- Playlist songs playing that aren't on top are now stopped instead of top one playing
- 3D key box-shadow changes color properly
- Settings now updates with new properties properly
- Can have multiple of same sound in playlist
- Waveforms are not loaded when stopping or pausing a sound
[0.2.0] - 2017-01-28
- Search function for playlist
- Functioning/saving settings menu
- Playlist: Songs to the bottom after playing
- Playlist: Songs delete after playing
- Dragging keys around on the same page (between pages to come!)
- Automatically checks for new version on startup
- Won't try to play songs if they're all filtered out
- No more error on cancelling browse in sound settings
- Waveforms now track all the time (no need to sneak up)
- Inputs won't trigger sounds AT ALL
- Storing data is now JSON in appData/data/
- Legacy localStorage still supported (converts to JSON, will take out next release)
[0.1.1] - 2017-01-21
- Restart option to menu
- Global settings (not working yet though)
- Error dialog (so errors show to user, not just in devTools)
- infoObj property to sounds ('key' or 'playlist')
- Screenshot to ReadMe
- Sound names on keys are slightly smaller
- HTML gets app version from package.json
- ReadMe information update
- More thoroughly documented previous code
- Color setting is hidden for playlist items
- App quits when window is closed
- Errors no longer thrown for trying to play/open settings on key with no sound
- Cleaned ' and , out of sound ids (was breaking playlist)
v0.1.0 Initial build
BUILD v0.1.0