Pause/stop option in General Settings
Global Fade in and Fade out times
Pressing 'ENTER' in playlist search un-focuses it
Double click on waveform to play sound from that spot
COPY/CUT/PASTE shortcuts to move keys around keyboards/pages
Import multiple sounds at a time
Mac build scripts
Icons/background for Mac builds
Page names have associated hotkey in name
Sound resets after changing waveform region
License in "About" to Apache 2.0
Order of menu items
Sounds now "pause" by default (not stop)
Minor color/visual fixes
Removed start/end from sound settings
Can select unloaded keys
Cannot launch sounds when holding CONTROL
howls are not saved in json - fixed click-key-before-anything-else tracking weirdness (was because playState wasn't always null on launch)
Switched to Howler.js for sound engine
Removed looping, for now
Added text-shadow to emphasize key text
Updated Materialize to v0.98.1
Updated jQuery to v3.2.1
Updated Wavesurfer to v1.3.7
Updated Electron to 1.6.4
Settings now saving properly
Sounds are marked as played when they end
Playlist selects first sound after last one stops
Empty playlist creates empty object and saves it to the json
Can have periods and square brackets in sound names
Sounds that don't load are correctly styled
Deleting a song no longer breaks waveform sound name
Deleting a song removed played class on key
Empty playlist search error fixed
Playlist songs playing that aren't on top are now stopped instead of top one playing
3D key box-shadow changes color properly
Settings now updates with new properties properly
Can have multiple of same sound in playlist
Waveforms are not loaded when stopping or pausing a sound
You can’t perform that action at this time.