QRank is a ranking signal for Wikidata entities. It gets computed by aggregating page view statistics for Wikipedia, Wikitravel, Wikibooks, Wikispecies and other Wikimedia projects. A ranking signal like QRank is useful when time or space is too limited to handle everything. For example, when improving data, it often makes sense to focus on the most important issues; a ranking signal helps to decide on importance. Likewise, high-quality maps need a ranking signal for cartographic prominence; this map of Swiss castles uses QRank to decide which castles deserve a large icon and which ones just a tiny dot.
- Compute a ranking signal for Wikidata with good coverage across diverse topics, cultures and geographic regions.
- Keep the signal fresh, with regular automatic updates.
- Be resilient to short-term popularity spikes and seasonal effects.
- Make the signal available for bulk download. The format should be trivial to understand, and easily read in common programming languages.
Initially, it is an explicit non-goal to build a website for people to interactively browse the ranking, or an API for software to query individual rankings. Both would be useful, but for the time being, we focus on exposing ranking data as a bulk downloadable file.
The QRank system consists of two parts. Both run in the Wikimedia Cloud on Toolforge.
is an automated pipeline that computes the ranking. -
handles queries for qrank.toolforge.org, serving the ranking data to the outside.
Like all build pipelines, qrank-builder
reads input, produces
intermediate files, and does some shuffling to finally build its output.
At every step of the pipeline, we check whether the output has already
been computed in a previous run of the pipeline; if so, the step is skipped.
The build currently starts with Wikimedia pageviews. From the Pageview complete dataset, pageviews.go aggregates monthly view counts for the past twelve months. The result gets stored as a sorted and compressed text file.
💾 For example, the file
contains a lineen.wikipedia/seabird 8204
, which means that the English Wikipedia article for Seabird has been viewed 8204 times in February 2021. In total, the monthly file for February 2021 contains 118.2 million such lines. After compression, it weighs 8.9 MB in storage. -
The build continues by extracting Wikimedia site links from latest Wikidata database dump, and associating them with the corresponding Wikidata entity ID. Again, the result gets stored as a sorted and compressed text file.
💾 For example, the file
contains a lineen.wikipedia/seabird Q55808
, which means that this page of the English Wikipedia is about entity Q55808. In total, the sitelinks file extracted from the Wikidata dump of February 15, 2021 contains 76.7 million such lines (because lots of Wikidata entities have no sitelinks at all), weighing 783.5 MB after compression. -
The build continues by joining
for the previous twelve months, which were computed in step 1, withsitelinks
from step 2. Because all inputs to this step use the same key, and because the input files are sorted by that key, we can do a simple linear scan without reshuffling. The logic for merging the thirteen input files is in linemerger.go, using a min heap. The intermediate output is a long series of (entity, count) pairs. They get sorted by entity ID into a temporary file, and read back in order. At this time, all view counts for the same entity will appear grouped together, so we can easily (in linear time) compute the sum.💾 For example, the file
contains a lineQ55808 329861
. This means that from February 2020 to January 2021, Wikimedia pages about Q55808 (Seabird) have been viewed 329861 times, aggregated over all languages and Wikimedia projects for the entire year. In total, the file contains 27.3 million such lines, weighing 103.9 MB after compression. -
The build continues by sorting the view counts by decreasing popularity. If the pages about two entities were viewed equally often, the entity ID is used as secondary key. The comparison function is
in qrank.go.💾 The file format, content and approximate size of
is the same as theqviews
file of the previous step, only the sorting is different. -
The build finishes by computing some statistics about the output, which get stored into a small JSON file. Currently, this is just the SHA-256 hash of the
file; theqrank-webserver
(see below) uses this as an entity tag for conditional HTTP requests. In the future, it would make sense to compute additional stats, for example histograms on rank distributions, and store them into the same JSON file.💾 For example, the file
weighs 133 bytes.
The webserver is a trivial HTTP server. In production, it runs on the Wikimedia Cloud behind nginx.
The main serving code is in main.go. Requests for the home page are currently handled by returning a static string; requests for a file download get handled from the file system.
Clients can efficiently check for updates to the ranking file
because qrank-webserver
conditional requests. For the ETag
entity tag, we currently use the SHA-256
hash of the ranking file, computed by the final stage of qrank-builder
and stored in the stats
A background task of qrank-webserver
periodically checks the local
file system. When the server starts up, and whenever new data is
available, the code in
dataloader.go loads the latest
file (but not the large ranking file) into memory.
To make use of multi-core machines, qrank-builder
splits the work
in smaller tasks and distributes them to parallel worker threads.
When processing pageviews, the daily log files get handled in parallel.
When processing Wikidata dumps, we split the large input file (62 GB as of March 2021, but growing quickly) into a set of chunks that get processed in parallel. To split the compressed input, we look for the “magic” six-byte sequence that appears at the beginning of bzip2 compression blocks. In a well-compressed file, a new block should start roughly every hundred kilobytes: At bzip compression level 9, the decompression buffer is 900 KB; with 10x compression, the compressed block would be about 100 KB long. In practice, Wikidata dumps seem to contain much smaller blocks (sometimes just a few hundred bytes), which may be one reason why Wikidata dump files are so large. Anyhow, once we found a potential block start, we start decompressing the block. Typically, compression blocks can start anywhere in the middle of a Wikidata entity; this is because Wikidata's current bzip2 compressor does not align compression blocks with entity boundaries. We therefore skip the first (partial) line in the block, and extract the ID of the entity in the second line. However, since the “magic” six-byte sequence can also appear in the middle of a compression block, our decompression attempt may fail with a bzip2 decoding error. If this happens, we will not use the affected block for splitting. The logic for the splitting is in function
in entities.go. Our splitting logic is somewhat similar in spirit to lbzip2, but our implementation is simpler because we know the structure of the decompressed stream.
Beyond parallelization, we have implemented other peformance improvements.
For sorting, we use an external sorting algorithm. This allows
to process very large amounts of data on cheap machines with relatively little main memory. -
Wikidata dumps contain entities in a rather verbose JSON format. By implementing a specialized parser, we have reduced the time to process one Wikidata entity by roughly 90%, from 228 μs to 21.9 μs. The corresponding benchmark is in function
in entities_test.go. -
A large fraction of the pipeline's time is spent in compression and decompression. For its intermediate data files, the
pipeline uses Brötli compression. When benchmarking various compression algorithms on the actual payload, Brötli gave similar file sizes to bzip2, but at speeds comparable to flate/gzip. However, we decided to not use Brötli compression for the externally exposedqrank
file. A lesser-known compression format would make it harder for downstream clients to consume the rankings.
Compressing intermediate files for performance sounds rather
counter-intuitive. Essentially, this helps to work around a quirk of
the Wikimedia Cloud. Although Wikimedia seems to have pretty good hardware,
it still uses the ancient NFS file
system for
storage which does not scale well to high loads. In order to
protect its NFS servers from overload, the Wikimedia Cloud is
throttling access to a very low 5 MBit/s. When
benchmarking qrank-builder
on Digital
Ocean whose block storage is based
the open-source Ceph system, we could read and
write files from Ceph-mounted volumes at up to 200 MBit/s, roughly
40 times faster. Although Wikimedia has started to modernize its
storage infrastructure, the data dumps, which are the input to the
QRank build pipeline, can still only be accessed over NFS (or an
HTTP server that seems subject to similar levels of throttling).
Likewise, Toolforge is currently mounting a tool's private data directory
via NFS. When the Wikimedia Cloud finished its migration to more
scalable storage systems, it might be worth trying to remove the
compression of intermediate files in qrank-builder
, or to reduce
the compression level.
Said this, the build pipeline's current bottleneck seems to be CPU and not I/O, so the file system may not actually matter all that much. Still, it is a little surprising that the pipeline can process the exact same data so much faster on DigitalOcean than in the Wikimedia Cloud. In any case, it's not really a big problem if the ranking signal is stale by a couple days.
Currently, the QRank values are simply aggregated raw view counts; no “signal smearing” has been implemented yet. This might be an area for future improvement, since it would give a rank to entities that have no Wikimedia pages themselves. For example, it may be beneficial to propagate some fraction of an author's rank to their publications; likewise from a painter to their works of art.
A related, quite obvious idea would be to run an iterative version of the PageRank algorithm on Wikidata. When going this route, it might be beneficial to restrict the analysis to those parts of the WikiData graph that actually reflect quality or importance. For example, running PageRank on the citation graph of the world's research literature is likely to work quite well. As a counterexample, boosting the ranking of cities based on who happened to be born at a place may or may not be worth the effort, especially when seeding the ranking with pageviews for the city. Anyhow, as of March 2021, it seems a bit early to really try this; academic works and their citation graph still have very limited coverage in Wikidata. As the Scholia project is making progress, it may be beneficial to revisit this at some later time. There has been research on Wikipedia pagerank that may be relevant if anyone wants to look into this.
It would be very useful to offer an Application Programming Interface to query the rank of Wikidata entities. To integrate into the existing ecosystem, such as Wikidata Query Service and similar services, we could expose a SPARQL endpoint for federated queries.
A realistic approach might be writing a Java server that invokes the query engine of Apache Jena on a custom data store built from the existing QRank data files. This would best be implemented as a separate project, but it may make sense to proxy queries from qrank.toolforge.org to that other service. Then, the system complexity would be hidden from external developers. This variant might be a great project for a Java programmer.
Alternatively, one could also write a SPARQL implementation in Go and
make it part of the existing qrank-webserver
. From a systems
perspective, this would be easier to maintain (less moving parts) than
a separate Java process, but one would have to re-implement parts of
Apache Jena in the Go programming language. The key difficulty would
be designing the libary in a lean way, avoiding the complexity that is
typical of Java frameworks. This seems certainly doable, but it would
be substantial work, ideally done by a very experienced programmer.
Another alternative would be coming up with some ad-hoc query language instead of SPARQL. That would take less effort to implement, but then the integration with existing services gets more complicated.