use-case agnostic router
A use-case agnostic router or something
it compiles routes down to regex to match them. it's probably not very fast.
the code is small though (it was...).
mostly a test in project configuration at this point
import * as http from 'http';
import { HTTPRouter, URLReq } from 'zephyri';
// IncomingMessage does not always have url or method
type Request = http.IncomingMessage & URLReq
type Response = http.ServerResponse
const router = new HTTPRouter<Request, Response>()
.on('GET', '/:param', (req, res, params) => res.end(JSON.stringify(params)))
.on('GET', '/user/:id', (req, res, params) => res.end(
.on('GET', '**', (req, res) => res.end('404'));
// We cast req as Request because we know `url` and `method` is on `http.Server` incoming requests
.createServer((req, res) => router.lookup(req as Request, res))