To create your own extension layer, compile the extension and any required libraries with Docker. This guide uses pgsql extension as an example.
First create new extension directory in layers/
and move there.
$ mkdir layers/pgsql && cd $_
Create Dockerfile
such as follows.
FROM bref/build-php-$PHP_VERSION AS ext
# Add commands to build PHP extensions here.
# Build the final image from the scratch image that contain files you want to export
FROM scratch
# Add commands to copy files that required for final image.
The environment variable PHP_VERSION
is passed from the Makefile as an argument
to docker build. It may have values like: 80
, 81
. A docker image is created
for each PHP_VERSION
. If the build procedure of your extension differs for each version,
you may use this variable to switch processing in Dockerfile.
There are some other env variables available, like PHP_BUILD_DIR
Then you need to add two parts of Dockerfile, the following snippets are examples of build and copy parts respectively.
RUN phpize
RUN ./configure --with-pgsql=${INSTALL_DIR}
RUN make -j `nproc` && make install
RUN cp `php-config --extension-dir`/ /tmp/
RUN echo '' > /tmp/ext.ini
RUN php /bref/lib-copy/copy-dependencies.php /tmp/ /tmp/extension-libs
You may need to:
- download the source code,
- install the libraries required for compilation,
- perform pecl install,
- etc.
The Dockerfiles for these extensions could be very helpful.
Note The
script will automatically copy system dependencies (libraries) used by the extension provided as a first argument.
The final extension layer is just a zip archive of files that overlay the PHP layer.
The extension and all related files that need to be installed should be placed /opt
directory in the final image.
RUN echo '' > /tmp/ext.ini
FROM scratch
COPY --from=ext /tmp/ /opt/bref/extensions/
COPY --from=ext /tmp/ext.ini /opt/bref/etc/php/conf.d/ext-pgsql.ini
COPY --from=ext /tmp/extension-libs /opt/lib
It might be good to build extension step-by-step and create Dockerfile from command history instead of immediately building from Dockerfile.
$ docker run -it bref/build-php-$PHP_VERSION /bin/bash # Run build environment with ”-it” option and build the extension step by step.
Once you have created Dockerfile, make sure the build succeeds.
$ make docker-images
If the build goes through, generate zip files of the layers in export/
$ make layers
Register the zip file generated above to AWS as Lambda Layer. It also able to add from AWS console.
$ aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name pgsql-php-80 --zip-file fileb://./export/
Create a file called test.php
in your later directory (layers/pgsql/test.php
That PHP script should check if your extension is properly loaded. If something is
wrote, the script must exit with code 1.
Create a Bref App for testing. The usage of bref
and serverless
, please refer here.
$ mkdir pgsql-test-app && $_
$ composer init
## Everything OK for default.
$ composer require bref/bref
$ vendor/bin/bref init
What kind of lambda do you want to create? (you will be able to add more functions later by editing `serverless.yml`) [PHP function]:
[0] Web application
[1] PHP function
> 0
## Select suitable for check your extension.
In serverless.yml
, edit region
and add layer ARN which you added earlier.
service: app
name: aws
- region: us-east-1
+ region: <YOUR AWS REGION>
runtime: provided.al2
- ./vendor/bref/bref
handler: index.php
description: ''
timeout: 28 # in seconds (API Gateway has a timeout of 29 seconds)
- ${bref:layer.php-80-fpm}
+ - arn:aws:lambda:<YOUR AWS REGION>:<YOUR AWS ID>:layer:pgsql-php-80:3
- httpApi: '*'
Update index.php
to check that the extension is automatically loaded and works.
- echo "Hello World";
+ #
+ # Check the extension works
+ #
Finally, deploy and test this function.
$ serverless deploy
Contributions to add new extensions are welcomed. When you built new extension, please contribute it by all means. In order to contribute, you should do a little more work.
- Make sure that it works with each PHP versions in the way described above
- Update the table in the
in alphabetical order.
### Available layers
| Name | Serverless config (php 8.1) |
| ---- | ----------------------------|
| AMQP | `${bref-extra:amqp-php-81}` |
| Blackfire | `${bref-extra:blackfire-php-81}` |
| GMP | `${bref-extra:gmp-php-81}` |
| Memcache | `${bref-extra:memcached-php-81}` |
| Memcached | `${bref-extra:memcached-php-81}` |
+| PostgreSQL | `${bref-extra:pgsql-php-81}` |
| Xdebug | `${bref-extra:xdebug-php-81}` |
Note that the "Memcached" layer provides both extension for [Memcache]( and [Memcached](
Once you have done above please submit the PR.