This is a fun project to play around with Svelte and then implement my own chess engine.
Implemented using Svelte, Rollup and plain JavaScript
Install all dependencies
npm install
Start dev server using rollup
npm run dev
Additional scripts:
- Build the project
npm run build
- Lint the code - config see .eslintrc.json
npm run lint
TODO Docker
The following roadmap contains all the planned features:
- Chessfield
- Field
- Ranks
- Pieces
- Global store to track game state
- Movement
- General movement
- Track turn count
- Field restrictions
- Piece restrictions
- Rook
- Knight
- Bishop
- Queen
- King
- Pond
- Castling
- EnPassant
- Check
- Checkmate
- Visuals
- Highlight last turn
- Theme selection
- Analysis tool to visualize future turns
- Mirror board
- Parse FEN
- Generate board from FEN
- Generate FEN from Board
- FEN validation
- FEN export