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Workflow for resolution tests

Emilycm-97 edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 38 revisions

Why resolution tests?

Slip, slip deficit, or coupling distributions along meshed faults are sensitive to model geometry, material properties, data locations, magnitude, noise, and regularization choices. For the latter three cases, we can perform resolution tests that allow us to quantify how robust the inference of certain spatial features might be. This step helps to minimize the possibility of a poorly constrained slip distribution being considered well-resolved.

An example detailed workflow using a Anatolia/North Anatolian Fault model

Resolution tests are not "a run one script/notebook and you get results" type of calculation. Rather, they are accomplished through a series of steps that provide for a great deal of flexibility. Below are the details for a specific case using the North Anatolian fault model as an example.

  1. Create synthetic NAF slip/slip deficit distribution for resolution tests (new notebook named synthetic_slip_mesh_001.ipynb)

    • Read NAF mesh geometry and boundary conditions using mesh parameters file mesh_parameters_naf_only.json and triangulated geometry from naf_17312.msh.

    • Generate synthetic slip/slip displacement vectors in multiple scenarios including but not limited to,

      A. NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr.

      B. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a top-to-bottom slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      C. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a top-to-bottom slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      D. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a shallow (<7 km) slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      E. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a shallow (<7 km) coseismic sense slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      F. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a deep (>7 km) slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      G. Most of NAF with a uniform slip deficit rate of 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a deep (>7 km) coseismic sense slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      H. NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr.

      I. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a top-to-bottom slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      J. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a top-to-bottom slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      K. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a shallow (<7 km) slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      L. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a shallow (<7 km) coseismic sense slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      M. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a deep (>7 km) slip deficit rate of 0 mm/yr.

      N. Most of NAF with random slip deficit rates varying from 0 to 24 mm/yr. Marmara with a deep (>7 km) coseismic sense slip rate of 5 mm/yr. Note: sign should be the opposite of that used for the slip deficit.

      O. NAF checkerboard at 15 km x 15 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      P. NAF checkerboard at 10 km x 10 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      Q. NAF checkerboard at 5 km x 5 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      R. NAF checkerboard at 15 km x 5 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      S. NAF checkerboard at 15 km x 5 km resolution with depth and along strike down to 15 km depth, then 15 km x 5 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      T. NAF checkerboard at 15 km x 5 km resolution with depth and along strike down to 15 km depth, then 15 km x 7.5 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

      U. NAF checkerboard at 30 km x 7.5 km resolution with depth and along strike down to 15 km depth, then 30 km x 15 km resolution with depth and along strike. The checkerboard should be regions of slip deficit with values alternating between 0 and 24 mm/yr.

    • Plot each of these.

    • Store the synthetic slip distributions in a list named synthetic_slip. This list should be composed of dictionaries (one for each slip distribution). Each dictionary should have three fields: label, description, and slip_values. label should contain the label used in the list above (e.g., A, B, etc.), description should contain a description as above and slip_values the values of slip for the specific cases. This dictionary should be saved to a JSON file named "synthetic_slip_north_anatolian.json". It will be used below.

  2. Generate synthetic surface velocities

    • Identify a reference block model (RBM).

      • command file name: command_001.json.
      • velocity file name: weiss_gbm_train_naf_localized_subset_25k.
      • block file name: emed0035_block.csv.
      • segment file name: emed0035_segment_003.csv.
      • mesh parameters file name: mesh_parameters_naf_only.json.
      • NAF mesh file name: naf_17312.msh.
      • driver notebook file name: celeri_dense_anatolia_001_extended.
    • Run RBM estimation with real data

      • Make sure to save elastic kernels with "pickle_save": 1,, "save_elastic": 1, and "save_elastic_file": "../data/operators/*_elastic_operators.hdf5", settings in the command file. The latter should point to where you want to store the elastic partial derivatives. This will ensure that the elastic kernels are saved and don't have to be recomputed for every model run. This is valid so long as the model geometry (including meshes) do not change. The pickle_save flag will store all data structures in a single pickle file that we'll reuse later.
      • Save state vector (estimation.state_vector) explicitly in a numpy (.npy) file with the name estimation_state_vector.npy.
    • Create a new notebook for running resolution tests named resolution_tests_001_individual (in case the user wants to use only one synthetic slip distribution and smoothing weight value or resolution_tests_001_multiple (in case the user wants to use several synthetic slip distributions and/or smoothing weight values).

      • Load pickle file from RBM run.
      • Load .json file named synthetic_slip.json with synthetic slip/slip deficit distribution for the current resolution test.
      • Construct a state vector that includes slip/slip deficit estimates.
        • Load estimation.state_vector.
        • Load inverted operator(s) created using generate_and_save_inverted_operators_multiple_smoothing_weights_001.ipynb
        • Identify state vector indices associated with NAF mesh.
        • With the indices found above, set the state vector indices associated with the NAF slip elements to the values from generated in part 0. This is where the synthetic values are integrated into the block model.
      • Calculate noise-free synthetic velocities by doing the matrix-vector multiply between this modified state vector and the linear system operator, estimation.operator.
      • Add noise to synthetic surface velocities.
        • Add different realizations of Gaussian noise (including zero).
        • Add different levels Gaussian noise.
        • Write each of these sets of predicted velocities to a *_station.csv file.
  3. Run a block model not with the real data but with the synthetic surface velocities

    • A new command file should be used here and named, NNN. It should include information to reuse the previous elastic kernel with the command file flags: "reuse_elastic": 1 and "reuse_elastic_file": "../data/operators/*_elastic_operators.hdf5", the latter of which should point to the output hdf5 file produced by the model run in step 1 above. This file contains the elastic partial derivatives.
    • The velocities for this run should be from one of the *_station.csv files created in step 1.
    • Examine estimated slip deficit rates on the NAF (compare with synthetic input slip/slip deficit distribution)
      • Qualitatively (including visually) describe the extent to which the true synthetic features are, and are not, resolved.
      • Calculate MAE and MSE between true synthetic and estimated as a function of noise level.
    • Quantitatively define a goodness-of-fit metric describing how well the inferred slip distribution matches the prescribed synthetic slip distribution and how well the velocities predicted from a model with the inferred slip distribution matches the synthetic velocities:

$$ \mathrm{goodness ; of ; fit} = \frac{1}{n_v}\sum_i^{n_v}(v_i^\mathrm{predicted} - v_i^\mathrm{synthetic})^2 + \frac{\phi}{n_s}\sum_i^{n_s}(s_j^\mathrm{predicted} - s_j^\mathrm{synthetic})^2 $$

where $n_v$ is the number of velocities, $n_s$ is the number of TDE slip elements, and $\phi$ is a scalar that controls the relative weighting of the the two data sets.

  1. Repeat the above with various synthetic slip deficit distribution noise levels

Note: When running block models notice that the functions celeri.get_all_mesh_smoothing_matrices_simple(meshes, operators) and celeri.get_all_mesh_smoothing_matrices(meshes, operators) work with different magnitudes of smoothing weight values, which can modify the results. The simple version works with values in the order of 1e-0*, while the other one works with 1e10+.