Authors: Brian Wong and Kevin Mu
Date: December 2, 2014
Class: Computer Science 143 - Computer Networks
Project: Traffic Routing in the Context of a Centralized Driverless System
- A file that describes what you will find in this directory.
- heap_module.py
- A file that implements a min-heap to support an O(|E|log|V|) single-source Dijkstra's algorithm.
- graph.py
- A file used to randomly generate a graph environment for the simulation.
- main.py
- The file containing our algorithms' code, as well as code to run the algorithms in our simulation environment.
- traffic-routing.pdf
- A PDF containing a writeup of our project and documenting our results.
To replicate our main results, depicted in Figure 1 of our writeup, just run: python main.py
This will run all 4 algorithms (naive baseline, fixed-route baseline, dynamic route, and centralized dynamic route) for 400 trials so that the average values converge. Using the current settings we expect you will get approximately the following results: Naive baseline: 117.5 (+/- 2.0) Fixed-route baseline: 34.1 (+/- 2.0) Dynamic route: 30.2 (+/- 2.0) Centralized dynamic route: 25.9 (+/- 2.0)
As the simulations run, partial calculations of the average travel time will be printed to the terminal so that you can see the values converge.
On our machine, main.py takes about 8 minutes to run.