A sample Bot based on the Bot Framework that resets your password* with Azure AD Authentication Actual account passwords are not reset
- This demo was created usign a pre-release version of the BotFramework Composer therefore the ComposerDialogs can not be imported into the GA release of the Composer.
- The code can be built and deployed as is but manual work will be needed to update the code/dialogs to 1.0 of Botframework Composer
- Bot Translator has been upgraded to the latest code base
- Create Azure AD Service Principal for Bot
- $botPass = New-Password -Length 25 (Function from bjd.Common.Functions. Ensure password does not content $ or spaces)
- az ad app create --display-name bjdBotApp01 --password $botPass --available-to-other-tenants --query 'appId' -o tsv
- Create Azure AD Service Principal for Bot Authentication
- $botAppId = az ad app list --display-name bjdBotApp01 --query '[].appId' -o tsv
- $botAuthPass = New-Password -Length 16 (Function from bjd.Common.Functions PowerShell module. Ensure password does not content $ or spaces)
- az ad app create --display-name bjdBotAuth01 --password $botAuthPass --reply-urls https://token.botframework.com/.auth/web/redirect --required-resource-accesses @infrastructure\azuread-manifest.json
- $botAuthId = az ad app list --display-name bjdBotAuth01 --query '[].appId' -o tsv
- cd infrastructure
- az group create --name BOT_RG --location southcentralus
- az group deployment create --name bot -g BOT_RG --parameters `@azuredeploy.parameters.json --template-file .\azuredeploy.json --parameters botApplicationId=$botAppId botApplicationSecret=$botPass --verbose
- Access Bot Service
- Navigate to your bot's Bot Channels Registration page on the Azure Portal.
- Click Settings.
- Under OAuth Connection Settings near the bottom of the page, click Add Setting.
- Fill in the form as follows:
- Name: AzureAD
- Service Provider: Azure Active Directory v2
- Client id: $botAuthId
- Client Secret: $botAuthPass
- Tenant: $Your_AzureAD_Tenant_ID
- Token Exchange URL: Leave Blank
- For Scopes: openid profile User.Read
- Test Connection
- Channels > Web Chat > Copy WebChannelSecret
- az webapp config appsettings set -n {{AzureAppServiceName}} -g BOT_RG --settings WebChannelSecret={{WebChannelSecret}}
- Deploy LUIS Modle via Luis Portal or the LUIS cli tool
- Select the Subscription and the correct Authoring LUIS application
- Import application
- Select Models\PasswordReset.json
- Train
- Publish > Production
- Copy Application ID from the Luis Portal under Manage
- az webapp config appsettings set -n {{AzureAppServiceName}} -g BOT_RG --settings luis:Main_en-us_lu={{LuidAppId}}
Command Line
- Update wwwroot\index.html with proper Bot Name
- cd src
- dotnet build
- dotnet publish -o publish
- Compress-Archive -Path .\publish* -DestinationPath bot.zip
- az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group BOT_RG --name bjdbot010-api --src .\bot.zip
Azure DevOps Pipeline
- Create new pipeline from deploy\azure-pipeline.yaml
- Update Variables for Service Connection and Azure App Service Name