Pretty much a clone of yogiben:autoform-file using edgee:slingshot instead of CFS, based on ryanswrt:autoform-slingshot
NOTICE! There is no tests, so use at your own discretion! We are happy for any PR containing tests, and helping this package get to 1.0.
meteor add timbrandin:autoform-slingshot
Follow Slingshot's instructions on setting up a directive, then define the following autoform rules in your schema. If you want to resize before upload the following is an example using timbrandin:image-resize-client
The resulting field will contain the URL of the uploaded file.
file: {
type: String,
autoform: {
type: 'slingshotFileUpload',
slingshotdirective: 'myDefinedDirective'
The resulting field will contain the URL of the uploaded picture.
We're using the Resize package from
picture_url: {
type: String,
autoform: {
type: 'slingshotFileUpload',
slingshotdirective: {
directive: 'myDefinedDirective',
// onBeforeUpload is called once on each file.
onBeforeUpload: function(file, callback) {
Resizer.resize(file, {width: 1020, height: 1020, cropSquare: true}, function(err, file) {
if( err ){
console.error( err );
callback( file );
callback( file );
If you want multiple sizes for a uploaded picture and you want the client to do all the work resizing images for you, you can now define multiple directives:
picture: {
// This package can also take type: [String],
// but in that case it will only save the src.
type: [Object],
label: 'Select Picture', // (optional, defaults to "Select")
optional: true, // (optional)
autoform: {
type: 'slingshotFileUpload', // (required)
removeLabel: 'Remove', // (optional, defaults to "Remove")
afFormGroup: { // (optional)
label: false
afFieldInput: {
// Specify which slingshotdirective to present as thumbnail when this picture is uploaded, you can use the "key" or "directive".
thumbnail: 'mobile',
slingshotdirective: {
mobile: { // <-- This is the "key" for the "mobile" version.
directive: "myMobileDirective",
onBeforeUpload: function(file, callback) {
// Create a mobile 640x640 size version.
Resizer.resize(file, {width: 640, height: 640, cropSquare: true}, function(err, file) {
if( err ){
console.error( err );
callback( file );
large: { // <-- This is the "key" for the "large" version.
directive: "myLargeDirective",
onBeforeUpload: function(file, callback) {
// Create a large 1500x1500 size version.
Resizer.resize(file, {width: 1500, height: 1500, cropSquare: false}, function(err, file) {
if( err ){
console.error( err );
callback( file );
original: "myOriginalDirective"
// NOTICE! These are required for type: [Object].
'picture.$.key': { type: String },
'picture.$.filename': { type: String },
'picture.$.src': { type: String },
'picture.$.directive': { type: String }
- Bootstrap 3
- Ionic (Meteoric)