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NOTICE: This plugin has been incorporated into tko as tko.binding.foreach

An experiment in faster foreach binding.

Include in your project in the usual ways, then instead of foreach use fastForEach.

Demo on JSBin


Run tests from the command line with npm test, or on Windows npm run test_win.

Run tests in Chrome by installing karma-chrome-launcher then $ ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --browsers Chrome; the same applies for other browsers supported by Karma.


16 Dec 2015 – 🔭 0.6.0

  • Reuse DOM nodes when array items move [#33, #34]
  • Improve internal nodes handling [#31, #32]

27 Sep 2015 – 📇 0.5.5

  • Improved batch addition (closes #30)

27 Sep 2015 - ⛵️ 0.5.4

  • add afterAdd and beforeRemove

25 Sep 2015 – 🍭 0.5.3

  • fix $index when list is made from virtual elements

23 Sep 2015 - 👽 0.5.2

  • fix $index not working when template starts with a text node

22 Sep 2015 – 🐝 0.5.0

  • add $index() support (disable by passing noIndex: true)

16 Jul 2015 - 🌕 0.4.1

  • fix push.apply not working on NodeList in older Webkit versions

14 Jul 2015 – 🎂 0.4.0

  • uses documentFragment when possible
  • use karma for testing
  • add .eslintrc and clean up source


MIT Licensed.