- About the Project
- System implementation episode 1:ESP32
- System implementation episode 2:Express
- System implementation episode 3:mongoose & MongoDB
- System implementation episode 4:Deploy to Railway platform
The real-time online platform integrating ESP32、Express routing and MongoDB allows you to easily monitor the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment.
ESP32 is mainly responsible for:
Connect to WiFi.
Make a https post request:
- Send the https request headers and request body
- Set up railway server certificate
Capture temperature and humidity information through DHT11 sensor.
Process and send the temperature and humidity data in JSON format to MongoDB.
Express is mainly responsible for:
- Create web application routes.
- Create EJS webpage.
- Executing middlewares.
- Receive and process https post request.
mongoose & MongoDB are mainly responsible for:
- Create database schema and model.
- Connect to MongoDB server.
- Collaborate with Express for CRUD operations.