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Factories as Interfaces - AngularJS

Kyubi sharing chakra


See the living demos:


Let's imagine you want o use the library: is in an Angular Application, you can say, "hey! I just need to load it before my angular App"

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
            var vm = this;
            if(is.equal(vm.var1,vm.var2)) console.log('Yup!');

It's valid, but not the correct approach, what happened if you want to bind the result? then you will need to use $scope.$digest(); that's not good, because you are interrumping the digest cycle of angular, so, what should we do? wrap the entire library in a factory!

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
            return {
                equal : is.equal
            var vm = this;
            if(is.equal(vm.var1,vm.var2)) console.log('Yup!');

How does it work?

Basically the factory returns the instance of is, but now the difference is that Angular is wrapping the instance and now the bindings work! without any $scope.$digest();.

Are there any advantages?

Of course there're advantages:

  • Unit Testing - Unit testing is easier, because now we can mock that factory and perform unit testing as it is, testing in isolation, without hard dependencies
  • Bindings - Now Angular knows your external library exists, so it will manage the bindings as it normally does, without any $scope.$digest()
  • Dependency almost erased - I said almost, because still we're depending on the library of is.js, but now we can change the library any time we want, because we have the interface ready,ex:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
            return {
                equal : _.isEqual
            var vm = this;
            if(is.equal(vm.var1,vm.var2)) console.log('Yup!');

As you might see, I changed is for lodash, I just change the Factory, there's no need to change the controller, because the Factory is working as an interface between the controller.