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A full-featured, efficient scripting language from Robert Nystrom's book:

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Lox is a full-featured, efficient scripting language from Robert Nystrom's book, Crafting Interpreters.

In Jlox, the Java implementation of Lox, scripts are parsed using a recursive descent parser then interpreted by traversing the generated AST.

In Clox, the C implementation of Lox, scripts are compiled to bytecode then executed using a Bytecode Virtual Machine.

A more complete description of the features of Lox can be found at

Jlox Setup


  • Java 16
  • Maven
  • A Unix shell


cd jlox/
mvn clean compile
./bin/ <script-name|optional>


Jlox Progress Log

1 - Scanning

A raw expression can be scanned into a series of tokens.

Input: var tau = 6.283185307;

Output (type, lexeme, literal):
[<VAR, var, null>, <IDENTIFIER, tau, null>, <BANG, =, null>, <NUMBER, 6.283, 6.283>, <EOF, , null>]

2 - Representing Code

An expression tree can be manually constructed and pretty printed!

Expr expression = new Expr.Binary(
            new Expr.Unary(
                new Token(TokenType.MINUS, "-", null, 1),
                new Expr.Literal(123)
            new Token(TokenType.STAR, "*", null, 1),
            new Expr.Grouping(new Expr.Literal(45.67))
System.out.println(new AstPrinter().print(expression));
Output: (* (- 123) (group 45.67))
Infix: -123 * 45.67

3 - Parsing Expressions

A list of tokens can be parsed and pretty printed!

List<Token> tokens = scanner.scanTokens();

var parser = new Parser(tokens);
Expr expression  = parser.parse();

System.out.println(new AstPrinter().print(expression));
Input: 1 + 2 * -3 / 4 == -0.5
Output: (== (+ 1.0 (/ (* 2.0 (- 3.0)) 4.0)) (- 0.5))

4 - Evaluating Expressions

An AST can be evaluated!

var scanner = new Scanner(source);
// [<NUMBER, 1, 1.0>, <PLUS, +, null>, <NUMBER, 2, 2.0>, <STAR, *, null>, <MINUS, -, null>, <NUMBER, 3, 3.0>, <SLASH, /, null>, <NUMBER, 4, 4.0>, <EOF, , null>]
var tokens = scanner.scanTokens();

var parser = new Parser(tokens);
var expression = parser.parse();

Input: 1 + 2 * -3 / 4
Output: -0.5

Input: 1 + 2 * -3 / 4 == -0.5
Output: true

5 - Statements and State

  • Variables can be declared, assigned and referenced in expressions.
  • Statements can be grouped into blocks with local variable scope.
  • Expressions can be printed.


var a = "global a";
var b = "global b";
    var a = "local a";
    print a;
    print b;
print a;
print b;


local a
global b
global a
global b

6 - Control Flow

  • With the addition of while/for loops and more importantly if statements, Jlox is now Turing Complete!
  • Logical expressions (AND/OR) can be evaluated.
if (2 + 2 - 1 == 3) print "Quick math!"; 
else print "Slow math :(";
// prints Quick math!

var result = 0;
while (result != 5) {
    result = result + 1;
print result; // prints 5

print false and false or true; // prints true

7 - Functions

Functions can be declared and invoked!

fun fib(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return n;
  return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);

print fib(10); // prints 55

// A native function
print clock(); // prints seconds since Jan 1, 1970

8 - Resolving and Binding

Variables resolve to the correct scope.

var a = "global";
  fun showA() {
    print a;

  var a = "block";

Previously this would output:


It now outputs:


This code now produces an error during semantic analysis.

    var a = 1;
    var a = 2;

9 - Classes

Classes can be created!

class Person {
  // Class initialiser.
  init(name) { = name;

  // Class method.
  greet() {
    print "My name is " + + " " + this.nameSuffix;

var britannio = Person("Britannio");
britannio.nameSuffix = ":)";
britannio.greet(); // prints "My name is Britannio :)"

10 - Inheritance

Classes can inherit from super classes!

class Keyboard {
  type() {
    print "Keyboard noises";

class MechanicalKeyboard < Keyboard {
  type() {
    // super.type();
    print "Loud mechanical keyboard noises :)";

MechanicalKeyboard().type(); // Loud mechanical keyboard noises :)
Clox Progress Log

1 - Chunks of Bytecode

A chunk containing bytecode instructions can be created.

== test chunk ==
0000  123 OP_CONSTANT         0 '1.2'
0002    | OP_RETURN


forgot to take notes :(

5 - Types of Values

Until now, the only type was a number (double). This update introduces bool and nil values.

6 - Strings

Strings can be created. Strings are the first 'instance' of the Obj type. C doesn't have struct inheritance but by making Obj the first field of ObjString, it becomes safe to cast one to the other.

As a challenge, I leveraged the flexible array member feature of C to store the string character array within the ObjString struct rather than having the struct store a pointer as this removes an indirection (better memory locality).

7 - Hash Tables

Hash tables that dynamically grow can be created.

The first use case for this is string interning where we use the hash table as if it were a hash set. The benefit of mandatory string interning is that string equality becomes a trivial pointer comparison.

As a challenge, I switched out the ObjString key type for Value so that the hash table key can be a string, bool, double, nil or any future object such as functions and classes.

In doing so, I hit a bug where dereferencing a pointer was corrupting a struct. It turns out that the pointer originated from a variable in another function and since the function had completed, the pointer was no longer valid :(.

8 - Local Variables


statement      → exprStmt
| printStmt ;

declaration    → varDecl
| statement ;

9 - Global Variables


A full-featured, efficient scripting language from Robert Nystrom's book:




