This repository contains GATK3 based variant calling pipelines used by the Fungal Genomics group in the Infectious Disease and Microbiome Program, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
The pipeline input is set of unaligned (or aligned) BAM files and a reference genome. Reads are converted to FASTQ and aligned with BWA, alignments sorted and marked for duplicates with Picard, SNPs joint-called using GATK HaplotypeCaller, and hard filtration using GATK variant filtration. The output is a multi-sample VCF file.
- this file
- docs: documentations and tutorials
- tests: files used for testing the workflow
- workflows: variant calling workflow. Note that
is the full WDL, whilehaplotype_caller_scatter_gatk3.wdl
is a module that the former uses. - Dockerfile: docker image for the workflow. The docker is also available from dockerhub here.
This method was deployed on Terra Method Repository here. Example Terra workspace can be found here.
A tutorial to customize the workspace and import your data could be found here.
This repo is developed by Xiao Li from IDMP, the Broad Institute. Use issues
tag to report any bugs.