This plugin allows you to select some text using Vim's visual mode, then hit *
and # to search for it elsewhere in the file. For example, hit V, select
a strange sequence of characters like "$!
By default, when you hit star while making a visual selection, vim extends the selection to the next word that matches the word under the cursor.
If you hit <leader>*
unless you changed the mapleader), vim
recursively vimgreps for the word under the cursor or the visual selection.
If you have already mapped <leader>*
then visual star search won't override it.
This is useful to set up your own search bindings. For example, to get
visual-star-search to use Ag instead of vimgrep, add
these two lines
to your .vimrc.
Use a plugin manager such as vim-plug.
Or install using the command line:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start
git clone ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/visual-star-search
It was originally derived from a post on Scrooloose's Blog.
- visualstar
- vsearch -- Godlygeek's file probably came from the same source and is looking great.
- nelstrom's fork made some excellent changes. As of Oct 2014, they've been incorporated into this script.